



Once Again, This Economy Defies Expectations.

August 30th, 2006 by Spokesbloggette

The Commerce Department reported this morning that the economy grew at a rate of 2.9 percent in the spring, which was revised from the original 2.5 percent.

Secretary Carlos Gutierrez put it nicely when he said:

“Today’s GDP report highlights how the administration’s job creation policies have allowed the U.S. to remain the fastest growing economy in the industrialized world over the past twelve months . . . “

So once again we have further proof that tax cuts and a pro-growth economic agenda will work everytime.

Take Me Out To The Ballpark.

August 29th, 2006 by Spokesbloggette

A big congratulations goes out to the Northern Little League team from Columbus who just won the Little League World Championship. Northern defeated Kawaguchi City 2-1 to become only the second team from Georgia to win the championship.
You can read more about the exciting win HERE and even check out the team’s blog.

Monday Open Thread

August 28th, 2006 by Spokesbloggette

Just cause every once in awile we like to mix things up here on Jack’s blog

Ready, Set, Go …

Thoughts on Iran

August 25th, 2006 by Jack

I knew all of you would be interested in the latest report from the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence on the strategic threat posed by Iran. The full unclassified version of the report can be read here.

In this bi-partisan report, Chairman Pete Hoekstra’s committee raises two important warnings for our country. First that Iran is both a near and long term threat, and second that we need to dramatically improve our intelligence capabilities in that critical part of the world.

Here are just a few highlights from the report and a little taste of who we are dealing with:

“The annihilation of the Zionist regime will come… Israel must be wiped off the map… And God willing, with the force of God behind it, we shall soon experience a world without the United States and Zionism”.

- Mahmoud Ahmadinijad Oct. 25, 2005 

The report finds:

  • Iran poses a threat to the United States and its allies due to its sponsorship of terror, probable pursuit of weapons of mass destruction, and support for the insurgency in Iraq.
  • Iran’s efforts since December 2005 to resume enrichment of uranium, in defiance of the international community, Tehran’s willingness to endure international condemnation, isolation, and economic disruptions in order to carry out nuclear activities covertly indicates Iran is developing nuclear weapons.
  • The US intelligence community believes that Iran could have a nuclear weapon sometime in the beginning to middle of the next decade.
  • Iran has engaged in an extensive campaign to conceal from the IAEA and the world the true nature of its nuclear program.
  • Iranian involvement in Iraq is extensive, and poses a serious threat to US national interests and U.S. troops.
  • Evidence has mounted that Iran has facilitated IED attacks on U.S. forces.
  • Iran has the largest inventory of ballistic missiles in the Middle East.

We all need to start paying more attention to Iran, they are certainly paying attention to us. — Jack

1938 all over again.

August 24th, 2006 by Wikibill

As Kofi Annan jets off for his own Munich in Tehran, it’s sure starting to feel like 1938. One wonders if he will share Mike Wallace’s infatuation with Iran’s “smart and savvy” Islamonazi and find him an “impressive fellow” who he can have “almost a good time together” with.,4670,TVWallaceAhmadinejad,00.html

Look for some variation on the theme “I believe it is peace for our time” when Kofi returns to NY where the NYT and MSM will then breathe a collectivist sigh of relief.Where’s Churchill when you need him?Although President Bush seems to have backed off from stating the obvious about the Islamic-fascist threat, let’s review the bidding. In 1926, a little man did the world the courtesy of writing down his big evil plan – he called it Mein Kampf (for the non German speakers – my struggle or my fight). In it Herr Hitler lays out a plan for the master race (his, of course) to achieve their historic destiny to rule a new, far larger territory and along the way to eradicate Judaism from the face of the earth because of their conspiracies to gain world leadership. Der Fuhrer-to-be explores the power of propaganda “as an adequate rational technique to control the seemingly irrational behavior of crowds.” He also made it clear that while allies of convenience (united only in their hatred of say the Jews – the Mufti of Jerusalem — or the free-western world – Imperial Japan) would be tolerated, eventually he’d have a plan for them too. Over the next decade, the Nazi plague hid their plan for world domination in plain site – acquiring the most destructive and technologically advanced weapons available, restricting their own peoples’ rights, controlling the flow of information, indoctrinating even small children through radical schools and youth groups, and giving endless speeches detailing the Nazi zeitgeist while offering enough proper diplo-speak to appease the appeasers. Even after the war had started, it took years for some in the west (including the U.S.) to admit they were in a war of survival whether they liked it or not.

Ten years ago this month, a taller man wrote down his own big evil plan – and just like his shorter predecessor he added a second volume two years later. ( and ( He called it Jihad (for the non Arabic speakers – struggle or fight). Osama bin Laden’s dual Fatwa’s (representing the Sunni team) were not original thinking, or even new thinking, but an organizing call-to-arms. In them bin Laden lays out a plan for the master religion (his, of course) to achieve their historic destiny to rule a new, far larger territory and along the way to eradicate Judaism from the face of the earth because of their conspiracies to gain world leadership. Bin Laden and his fellow Islamofascists embody the power of propaganda “as an adequate rational technique to control the seemingly irrational behavior of crowds.” He also makes it clear that there will be allies of convenience (united only in their hatred of the Kufr Zionist-Crusader alliance) and that Muslims should not fight amongst themselves until after they have defeated the great Kufr (unbeliever). Over the next decade (not to mention the previous 2!), the Islamofascist plague have hidden their plan for world domination in plain site – seeking to acquire the most destructive and technologically advanced weapons available, restricting their own peoples’ rights, controlling the flow of information, indoctrinating even small children through radical schools and youth groups, and giving endless speeches detailing the Islamic-zeitgeist while the official state actors offer enough proper diplo-speak to appease the appeasers. Beginning to sound familiar?

It should.

Not to be out done, Iran’s own little Hitler (representing the Shia team), has spent the last 27 years growing from a run-of-the-mill student terrorist into a full-fledged nuclear menace. While he has not had time to write a book his plans are just as clear ( and ( — for the master religion (his, of course) to achieve their historic destiny to rule a new, far larger territory and along the way to eradicate Judaism from the face of the earth because of their conspiracies to gain world leadership…ibid. You know the rest.

The only difference between bin Laden and Ahmadinejad (other than height) is who will lead the Islamic caliphate once it is imposed on all of us non-believers. ( While they are not above settling their religious succession squabbles at the point of a sword or suicide belt, they save the goal of complete extermination for the Jews and the Great Satan. They are both two sides of the same coin – Hitlers with Allah on their side. Remembering what otherwise “normal” people did for a brown shirt and pair of shiny black boots, just think what can be done by “normal” people when the reward is eternal glory, the salvation of your entire family, and half a gross of virgins.

The war has been declared. The question arises – who will play the part of Czechoslovakia?

And the winner is … IRAN

August 23rd, 2006 by Wikibill

After getting permission from Hezbollah and promising not to disarm anyone, the Lebanese Army is on the march; rolling into … uh … well… Lebanon for the first time in over 6 years. The Lebanese soldiers come with tanks but no answers about the government’s plans for the area, meanwhile Hezbollah is handing out $12,000 in crisp $100 bills to every family in sight ( and hiring bulldozers and contracting crews to begin the rebuilding of Hezbollah-land.

While it is already clear that Hezbollah’s leading Islamofascist, and chief holocaust denier, Sheik Hassan Nasrallah, is a “winner”, and the Israeli leaders who balked at an overwhelming ground force to eliminate Hezbollah are the “losers”, it is time to recognize the big winner in this summer’s latest Middle East tragedy – IRAN.

Much has been written about Hezbollah being “founded” by Iran, “supported” by Iran, “supplied” by Iran. Hezbollah is not simply “influenced” by Iran – Hezbollah is Iran. Hezbollah is to Iran what the French Foreign Legion is to France (, or what Spanish missionaries were to Spain, or what U.S. troops in Korea or Germany are to the U.S., a forward deployed presence to advance and protect the nation’s interests. (Author’s preemptive note: please no comments about comparing the terrorists of Hezbollah to professional U.S. troops, the only comparison meant is to how each “army” is deployed in the nation’s interests.)

If Hezbollah is, as is often repeated in the apologist MSM, a simple, homegrown “insurgency” fighting against “occupation” then why didn’t they return to their orchards and fields when the occupiers left 6 years ago? Why did they dig sophisticated military bunker systems? Why did they deploy over 10,000 offensive rockets packed with ball bearings? Why did they move their guns closer? And why did they invade Israel to murder and kidnap Israeli soldiers?

So how, and what, did Iran win?

Iran won the diversion of world attention away from the Iranian race for the “Islamic bomb.” Hezbollah’s unprovoked attack on Israel coming the day after Iran was referred to the U.N. Security Council.Iran won the respect of the Islamic street; for they not confused about who calls the shots for Hezbollah. Iran and Field Nasrallah are the only ones willing to lead the global Jihad against the Zionists and the western oppressors.

Iran won the respect of the Islamic street; for they not confused about who calls the shots for Hezbollah. Iran and Field Nasrallah are the only ones willing to lead the global Jihad against the Zionists and the western oppressors.

Iran won the now expected condemnation of Israel for the use of “disproportionate force” (, and, and, I could go on) by the UN, the EU, the MSM, and the “Blame America First But If You Can’t Then Blame Israel” wing of the American left.

Iran won the chance to be the patron-shiek of the oppressed Lebanese Muslims. Who do you think Herr Nasrallah means when he says “we will rebuild every brick and every house.” Hezbollah makes nothing except terror. Hezbollah’s GDP is zero. It sells nothing except itself and the promise of a one-way ticket to visit Allah. Iran pays the bills – with piles of crisp U.S. Ben Franklins.

Iran won the kind of fawning western media coverage usually reserved for dying Communist leaders and anti-war activists. President Ahmadinejad has risen from “hostage taker-in-chief” bent on “death to America” and “wiping Israel off the face of the map” to a “smart and savvy” leader saddened by the plight of the incarcerated and uninsured in America. ( All while the U.S. has slumped from the “last best hope on earth” to the leader of the “so-called free world” – thanks CBS.

And today Iran has won the biggest prize of all – virtual certainty that when they go right on building their nuclear weapons program (of course while promising “serious” negotiations) no one – certainly not the U.S. and certainly not Israel – will be able to respond with even the threat of military action. Iran has won the world united in watching us, and Israel, as the greatest threat to world peace – pretty good work without firing a shot or losing a single soldier or town.

Can You Spell Conflict Of Interest, Judge Taylor?

August 23rd, 2006 by Spokesbloggette

It seems that Judge Anna Diggs Taylor, the federal judge who last week ruled President Bush’s terrorist surveillance program unconstitutional, has a little conflict of interest.  According to a story in The New York Times, Judge Taylor serves as a trustee and an officer of a group that has given $125,000 to the ACLU in Michigan.

Not a big deal, right?  Actually, it kind of is.  Especially since the ACLU happened to be a plaintiff in the very terrorist surveillance case she was deciding.  Judge Taylor, in a hurry to unleash her fury on President Bush and this vital tool in the War on Terror, neglected to mentions this little fact to the parties involved.  This, combined with just about every legal scholar denouncing her legal reasoning, should make the appeal in this case very interesting.

Spokesblogger Out

August 22nd, 2006 by Spokesblogger

Friends -

Just wanted to give you all a heads up that there will be a few changes on Jack’s Blog through November.

1. As we near a political election, the nature of most of the comments coming in on the blog have been political. Therefore, all comments will now be moderated. As always, we encourage civil discourse and disagreement on the issues but there must be a clear distinction between policy and politics.

2. The Spokesblogger–me–will be handing the editorial reins of the blog over to Spokesbloggette through November.

Thanks everyone and I’ll see you in November.


Surprise, Surprise. Michael Moore Film Helps Fuel Insurgency

August 21st, 2006 by Spokesblogger

Michael Moore

Reuters reports that a Sunni insurgent group in Iraq is using Michael Moore’s footage for its propaganda movie.

The U.S. military said earlier this week that recent intelligence indicated al Qaeda in Iraq was refining its strategy by producing propaganda and adding a political base to its violent campaign of suicide bombings.

Lifting scenes from Michael Moore’s anti-war film “Fahrenheit 9/11″, Rashedeen’s narrator taunts President Bush in softly spoken English over graphic images of Humvees being blown up by roadside bombs, and purportedly dead U.S. troops.

At one point, the documentary cuts to a scene from Moore’s 2004 award-winning film where he lobbies on the steps of the U.S. Congress in Washington.

Michael Moore and his allies in the Cut-and-Run Caucus in Congress are dead wrong. Abandoning the people of Iraq would embolden the terrorists and provide a safe-haven for hezbollah and al Qaeda operatives to grow and build their forces. Iraq could effectively turn in to the breeding ground for Islamofascists who seek to “wipe Israel off the face of the map.”

The fight must go on and we stand firmly behind Centcom Commander Gen. John Abizaid and our troops on the ground. And as Gen. Abizaid recently said to a group of veterans on Friday:

“But we’ve got to do it. We’ve got to stabilize Iraq, we’ve got to stabilize Afghanistan… we’ve got to help the people that want modern Islam to win against extremist Islam. And that’s a tough thing that I just said there, but we can do it. We are Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines we know we can do it, but we can’t do it without the backing and the support of the people of Congress and the people of the United States,” Abizaid said.

Friday Open Thread

August 18th, 2006 by Spokesblogger

Ready, Set, Go…

Jack On The Border

August 17th, 2006 by Spokesbloggette

With immigration such a hot topic, Jack decided it was time to take a trip down to the border to get the real story from the people on the ground. He arrived in El Paso, Texas yesterday and took a tour of the border with other Congressional Members. Jack also met up with a member of the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps.

While in El Paso, Jack got the opportunity to participate in the Judiciary Committee hearing on the economic impact of illegal immigration on border communities. The hearing just wrapped up a little while ago. As soon as we get more details and photos, we will post them up.

 UPDATE (4:01 PM):  We promised you a picture and some details about yesterday’s immigration hearing that Jack participated in, so here you go.

Some eye-opening testimony was heard from Sheriff Leo Samaniego of El Paso County who serves as Chairman of the Texas Border Sheriff’s Coalition: 

“As Law Enforcement officers on the border with Mexico, our primary concern is the welfare and safety of our citizens and our nation. We, the Border Sheriff’s Coalition, have done everything possible to bring awareness to the leaders of our state and our nation. The terrorism threat to our country is very real, it is unfortunate that most Americans have already forgotten the fear, terror and anger we experienced on September 11, 2001. God forbid that we experience another day like that, but if we do, I do not want anyone pointing a finger at me and telling me I did not do my job. The truth is that the Southern border is the weak link in our national security.”

“Intelligence indicates that terrorist organizations are increasingly probing the U.S./Mexico border…..  The large international border creates tremendous smuggling opportunities for terrorists and is fertile ground for recruitment and development of support networks for terrorist organizations. The Mexican drug trafficking and human smuggling organizations use their knowledge of the border to assist terrorist cell members in their attempts to exploit the United States.” 


And here are some interesting border facts for you:

In 2004, the Border Patrol apprehended 1.1 million people.  The majority (94%) were Mexican nationals.  Over the past three years, Other Than Mexicans (OTM) apprehensions have more than doubled. In 1986, there were about 2.5 million illegal immigrants in the U.S.  In 2005, there were about 10.3 million undocumented workers.

In 2005, Mexico received $20 billion in money transfers from migrant workers in the U.S.  That is equal to Mexico’s 2004 income from oil exports and dwarfs tourism revenue.

According to the DEA’s El Paso Intelligence Center, most of the foreign produced marijuana –96.7-percent– is seized at or between US Port of Entries along US/Mexico border. Mexican drug lords manage what the UN estimates is a $142 billion a year business in cocaine, heroin, marijuana, methamphetamine, and illicit drugs on US streets. According to the El Paso Intelligence Center, 65% of all narcotics sold in the US market enter the country through the Southwest Border


Carter + Castro = BFF

August 16th, 2006 by Spokesbloggette

Der Spiegel has an interview with former President Jimmy Carter that contains some golden nuggets such as:

SPIEGEL: You also mentioned the hatred for the United States throughout the Arab world which has ensued as a result of the invasion of Iraq. Given this circumstance, does it come as any surprise that Washington’s call for democracy in the Middle East has been discredited?

Carter: No, as a matter of fact, the concerns I exposed have gotten even worse now with the United States supporting and encouraging Israel in its unjustified attack on Lebanon.

SPIEGEL: But wasn’t Israel the first to get attacked?

Carter: I don’t think that Israel has any legal or moral justification for their massive bombing of the entire nation of Lebanon.

Carter also has this to say on his friend Castro’s state of health:

SPIEGEL: You’ve written about your meeting with Fidel Castro. He appears seriously ill now and Cuban exiles are partying already in the streets of Miami. You are probably not in the mood to join them.

Carter: No, that’s true. Just because someone is ill I don’t think there should be a celebration of potential death. And my own belief is that Fidel Castro will recover. He is two years younger than I am, so he’s not beyond hope.

Hat tip to K-Lo over at The Corner.

What do Samuel L. Jackson and Jack Kingston Have In Common?

August 16th, 2006 by Spokesblogger

They were both on last night’s episode of Comedy Central’s Daily Show with Jon Stewart.

Jack believes in political satire. He’s done many similar formats over the past few years including doing both Politically Incorrect and HBO’s Real Time with Bill Maher; being interviewed by Triumph the Insult Comic Dog; being the first Member of Congress on the Colbert Report; and he has even done a press conference with Kermit the Frog.

These shows help get Generation X and Y interested in issues and politics. And it’s also a way to bring attention to issues which may not be on a national radar and to bring attention to a serious, sensitive issue like sex trafficking.

Here’s the Kingston segment:

Here is some more background:

A few weeks ago, Jack was interviewed by Dan Bakkedahl in his Savannah district office. As viewers of the show may know, Dan replaced Stephen Colbert when he launched the Colbert Report and maintains the same style of cutting/editing a two-angle camera shot.

The subject of the skit involves an important piece of legislation passed in the Senate Finance Committee in June (pdf) which could help crack down on sex traffickers by using the same practice that helped bring in John Gotti and Al Capone - the IRS.

Specifically, the proposal, sponsored by Senate Finance Committee Chairman Charles E. Grassley (R-IA), authorizes the IRS to use $2 million toward the establishment of an office in IRS Criminal Investigation to investigate unlawful sex traffickers for violations of tax laws.

Unfortunately, black market criminals often lurk and fester for years in the shadows because they have a very intense and knowledgeable criminal network which has learned how to cover their tracks and destroy evidence. Making it more difficult for the Justice Dept to convict those that are obviously guilty - like sex traffickers.

This legislation makes sense. The Justice Department needs all of the tools available to help crack down on the horrendous act of trafficking or pimping young girls and women through the black market. And the majority of the victims of human trafficking - those who are often smuggled in from other counties and virtually imprisoned in a house set up for prostitution - are girls ages 13 to 17.

Spotlight on Numbers

  • 27 million: Number of people in modern-day slavery across the world
  • 800,000: Number of persons trafficked across international borders each year
  • 17,500: Number of foreign nationals who are trafficked into the U.S. every year
  • 200,000: Number of American children who are at high risk for commercial sexual exploitation
  • 1: Percent of foreign national trafficked victims officially identified and assisted in the US
  • 91: Number of cities in the United States with reported cases of trafficking
  • 50: Percent of all victims are children
  • 13: Average age of first being prostituted
  • $50 million: US Government budget for efforts against human trafficking
  • $19 billion: US Government budget for efforts against drug trafficking
  • (Sources: Anti-Slavery International, Department of State, Department of Justice, ECPAT USA, and Free the Slaves)


    August 15th, 2006 by Spokesblogger