Vermont State Coat-of-Arms
  Welcome to the Vermont Public Service Board

James Volz, Chairman
David C. Coen,Board Member
John D. Burke, Board Member

    112 State Street (Chittenden Bank Building)
Drawer 20
Montpelier, VT 05620-2701

Phone: (802) 828-2358 | Fax: (802) 828-3351 | TDD (VT Relay): (800) 253-0191

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PSB Orders
PSB Rules
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Application Forms and Publications
Major Ongoing Proceedings
Vermont Statutes
Employment Opportunities
Mission Statement
Site Map
Other Sites of Interest
Department of Public Service
State of Vermont Home Page
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Phone: (802) 828-2358
Fax: (802) 828-3351
TDD (VT Relay):
(800) 253-0191

Website copyright © 2000
Vermont Public Service Board
webdesign by mike wickenden
PSB Highlights
small state shield image   Public Service Board Highlights  




Board Approves Deerfield Wind Project With Conditions  (Docket 7250)  -- Order issued April 16, 2009 -- Final Order    Certificate of Public Good    Attachment B    Attachment C
Board issues Request for Proposals for a Fiscal Agent for the Vermont Universal Service Fund.  Proposals were due April 13, 2009.  More 
Public Hearings Scheduled:  
 Workshops Scheduled:
Deadlines for Motions to Intervene:
  • August 3, 2009 -- Docket 7536 In Re Petition of Middlebury Electric for a certificate of public good to own and operate a hydroelectric generating facility located in Middlebury, Vermont
  • September 24, 2009 -- Docket 7497 In Re Comcast's Petition regarding investigation into Regional Education Television Network's alleged failure to meet contractual and regulatory obligations as an Access Management Organization
Proposed revisions or amendments to Board Rules and New Rules:
  • Proposed Amendment to Rules 8.213 and 8.313 (re: cable television line extensions) More
  • Rule 5.100 (re net metering systems) -- effective April 15, 2009 
  • Rule 5.409 (re: updates to § 248 project costs) More
  • Rule 5.600 (re line extensions) effective October 1, 2008 More
  • Rule 3.700 (re pole attachments) More    Final Rule effective July 14, 2008
Implementation of Standard Offer Prices for SPEED Resources - Dockets 7523 and 7533
Georgia Mountain Community Wind Project in Milton and Georgia, Vermont - Docket 7508
DPS Petition to review the energy efficiency and conservation programs, measures, and compensation mechanisms selected by the Department to provide fuel efficiency services for Vermont heating consumers – Docket 7495
Vermont Yankee Fenceline Expansion - Docket 7530
Vermont Yankee Relicensing - Docket 7440
Vermont Yankee Corporate Restructuring - Docket 7404
H.520 Net Metering Workshop information:       memo issued 10/16/07        memo issued 9/19/07
Order issued 11/21/08 Re: Motion to Alter or Amend In Re:  Procedures governing placement of wireless communications facilities on electric generation and transmission facilities pursuant to 30 V.S.A. § 248(n)
Board issues Order Amending Standards and Procedures Governing Placement of Wireless Communications facilities on electric generation and transmission facilities pursuant to 30 V.S.A. § 248(n)
Order issued 9/5/2007,  Implementing Procedures for placement of wireless communications facilities on electric facilities
Verizon - Vermont/Fairpoint Communications, Inc.: Proposed acquisition  Docket 7270
UPC Vermont Wind, LLC, application for a Certificate of Public Good authorizing the construction and operation of a 52 MW wind electric generation facility, Docket 7156: approved with conditions
Deerfield Wind, LLC, application for a Certificate of Public Good authorizing the construction and operation of up to 45 MW wind electric generation facility, Docket 7250
CVPS Alternative Regulation Plan - Docket 7336
VELCO/CVPSC Southern Loop Project - Docket 7373 -- Final Order and Certificate of Public Good issued 2/11/09
Citizens' Guide to the Board's Section 248 generation and transmission siting process.
Meteorological tower permitting procedure guidelines
Customer Deposit Interest Rate is 5.50% for Calendar Year 2008.  The 2009 Interest Rate is 2%
Vermont Universal Service Fund

Electric Highlights
Electricity Image   Electricity Highlights
Green Mountain Power Corporation's Efficiency Fund 2009 Annual Plan -- PSB Docket No. 7492
Electric transmission system

Board approves 2.3% rate increase for Central Vermont Public Service Corporation effective February 1, 2008
Power Contract Workshop
Green Mountain Power Corporation
Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant
Energy Efficiency Utility
Heating and Process-Fuel Efficiency Programs
Streetlighting Tariffs
Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative
Electricity affordability collaborative process as mandated by Act 208 of the 2006 General Assembly
Net Metering report to Legislature required by Act 208 of the 2006 session
Implementation of Act 61 of the 2005 legislative session.
Board files report on renewable energy and Vermont's power supply required by Act 61.
Implementation of the Federal Energy Policy Act of 2005, including Smart Metering
Electric utility integrated resource planning
Electric utility service quality and reliability plans
SPEED Facilitator: one proposal received November 27, 2006
Federal and regional energy market issues: filings and positions on Standard Market Design (SMD), Regional Transmission Organization (RTO), and Independent System Operator (ISO)

Telecommunication Image   Telecommunications Highlights
Telecommunications Rules effective July 21, 2006
  • Rule 7.500, Tariffing and other requirements applicable to nondominant carriers.
  • Rules 7.600, Comprehensive rules for consumer protection in wireline telecommunications, including revised disconnection rules.
Retail Rates
Verizon - Vermont/Fairpoint Communications, Inc. : Proposed acquisition  Docket 7270
Wholesale Issues
  • Verizon Vermont Arbitration Proceeding. (Docket 6932)   Final Order (Adobe Acrobat)
  • Verizon's Statement of Generally Available Terms and Conditions (SGAT) - More
Section 248a application guide for three or more telecommunications facilities
Vermont Universal Service Fund
  • For the period September 1, 2008, through August 31, 2009, the VUSF rate is set at 1.70%.  Order issued July 14, 2008.      Spreadsheet
  • The Fiscal Agent for the Vermont Universal Service Fund is Rolka Loube Saltzer Associates. All VUSF payments should be made to this Fiscal Agent. Contact them to receive forms and information and to submit remittances. They can be reached at or at 717-237-6748 voice or 717-231-6667 fax.
  • Vermont Universal Service Fund Interpretations.
  • Draft Proposed Rule on Vermont Universal Service Fund Draft Rule 7.400

Telecommunication Image   CableTelevision Highlights
Rule 8.000 amendments became effective on August 23, 2007. Text of Rule

Annotated text of the Rule, with additions in red and deletions in blue.

Telecommunication Image   Gas Industry Highlights
Vermont Gas Systems, Inc.
Proposed Tariff filing of Vermont Gas Systems, Inc. requesting approval of a Interruptible Sales Service Tariff and Interruptible Transportation and Balancing Tariff, to be effective October 1, 2006. On September 22, 2006, the Board issued an Order suspending the proposed tariffs and opening Docket 7215 to investigation the request.
Petition of Vermont Gas Systems, Inc., for approval of an Alternative Regulation Plan, Docket 7109. Final Order (Adobe Acrobat) issued September 21, 2006, approves a Memorandum of Understanding between Vermont Gas and the Department of Public Service. More
Tariff Filing of Vermont Gas Systems, Inc. requesting a 16.7% rate increase, to take effect April 25, 2006, and to be implemented on October 1, 2006, Docket 7160. Final Order (Adobe Acrobat) of the Board, issued August 10, 2006, approves a Memorandum of Understanding between Vermont Gas and the Department of Public Service. Pursuant to the parties’ settlement, Vermont Gas will implement a 13.9% increase in firm rates. More
A Successor Service Quality and Reliability Plan governing Vermont Gas Systems' provision of service was approved by the Board in Docket 7075 June 24, 2005.

Telecommunication Image   Water Industry Highlights
Investigation into Colonial Estates Water Company's rates that took effect April 1, 2007, Docket 7279
Petition of Ascutney Mountain Water Public Service Company for a certificate of public good to own and operate a water system serving the Ascutney Mountain Resort in Ascutney, Vermont, and to establish rates for such service, Docket 7344

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