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Energy and Environment

I realize how hard it is for Eastern Washington families and small businesses and seniors to cope with unpredictable energy costs and supplies.  I am frustrated by Congress’ the lack of action. Our failure to enact a comprehensive energy policy is having real consequences for families, small businesses, seniors and everyone else in between. 

Consider this:  In the 1950’s America was one of the leading exporters of oil.  Today, we import nearly two thirds of it because we’ve put our own resources off limits.  Yet, during that time we’ve done little to prepare for our country’s current or future energy needs. And $4 dollar gas per gallon is the result. Here’s a few examples:

  • It’s off limits to drill in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge or off the coasts of Florida or California;
  • It’s off limits to explore in the Atlantic, the Pacific, and the Eastern Gulf of Mexico;
  • We have the largest supply of coal in the world, but it’s Germany who is planning to build 27 coal-fired electrical plants by 2020;
  • The U.S. is rich in oil shale with deposits located in Colorado, Utah, New Mexico and Wyoming (These reserves contain the energy equivalent of 2 to 3 trillion barrels of oil. To put this in perspective, the world has used 1 trillion barrels of oil since the first oil was successfully drilled in Pennsylvania in 1859. Yet we can’t touch it.)  

I believe it’s time we pursue an “all of the above” strategy that says yes to all forms of American energy.  We need to break our dependence on foreign oil, produce more of our energy from resources here at home, and make conservation a priority.  It’s time we start meeting America’s energy needs with American resources.


  • Supports the American Energy Act (H.R. 6566) which will increase our American energy supply, promote conservation and support renewable resources like hydro, solar and wind;
  • Led the Alberta Trade Mission in March 2008;
  • Ranking Member on Water and Power Subcommittee;
  • Founded the Bi-Partisan Congressional Hydropower Caucus;
  • Sponsored a resolution (H. Res. 1374) commemorating the 75th anniversary of the Grand Coulee Dam and recognizing the role hydropower plays in meeting our country’s energy needs;
  • Successfully stopped BPA rate increases;
  • Supports companies in Eastern Washington that are working to develop alternative energy sources, like Ecolite, Itron and Schweitzer Engineering;
  • Signed the Declaration of Energy Independence