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Healthy People Home > Healthy People 2020 > Secretary's Advisory Committee > Second Meeting > Agenda

Healthy People 2020 logoSecond Meeting: May 1, 2008

Secretary's Advisory Committee on
National Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Objectives for 2020

WebEx-Based, Virtual
Second Meeting: May 1, 2008
4:00-5:30 PM

I. Orientation to WebEx Technology
John Presler, WebEx Communications
4:00 PM - 4:05 PM
II. Welcome and Introductions

RADM Penelope Slade Royall, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Health Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, ODPHP

  • Update on Healthy People development process, 2009 Public Meetings
4:05 PM - 4:10 PM
III. Expectations and Desired Outcomes of the 2nd Meeting
Jonathan Fielding, Committee Chair
  • Overview of the purpose and format of the meeting discussion
4:10 PM - 4:15 PM
IV. Brief Reports of Progress from Subcommittees
  • Subcommittee on User Questions and Needs (3 min)
    Douglas Evans, Subcommittee Chair
  • Subcommittee on Developmental Stages, Life Stages, and Health Outcomes (3 min)
    Patrick Remington, Subcommittee Chair
  • Subcommittee on Health Equity and Disparities (3 min)
    Ronald Manderscheid, Subcommittee Chair
  • Subcommittee on Environment and Health Determinants (3 min)
    Abby King, Subcommittee Chair
  • Subcommittee on Priorities (3 min)
    David Meltzer, Subcommittee Chair
4:15 PM - 4:30 PM
V. Preparation for the June Meeting
Jonathan Fielding, Committee Chair
  • Areas of overlap in subcommittee discussions (30 min)
    -The framework (life stages, environment & determinants, priorities)
  • Processes for completing the subcommittees' work (15 min)
  • Logistics for next meeting- June 5th and 6th (10 min)
    -Travel arrangements for Advisory Committee members
    -Registration to attend, opportunity for public comment
4:30 PM - 5:25 PM
VI. Summary and Closing Remarks 5:25 PM - 5:30 PM


Content for this site is maintained by the Office of Disease Prevention & Health Promotion, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Last revised: July 11, 2008