Press Release

Contact: Matt Lavoie


McHugh speaking on the House Floor


Washington, Dec 21, 2007 - U.S. Congressman John M. McHugh (R-NY) announced that he has written the Secretary of Transportation, Mary Peters, to request that the Department of Transportation immediately provide an appropriate course of action to ensure continued air service to the North Country. Big Sky Transportation Co., according to a press release issued yesterday, will terminate service to Massena, Ogdensburg, Watertown, Plattsburgh, and Saranac Lake on January 7, 2008. All five communities are part of the Federal Aviation Administration’s Essential Air Service (EAS) program that ensures scheduled commercial air service to rural areas. Congressman McHugh’s statement follows:

“I’m very disappointed in Big Sky’s decision to abandon service to Northern New York,” McHugh said. “A strong and reliable transportation industry provides significant economic benefits to a community. I am prepared to pursue any and all appropriate actions to ensure that we maintain scheduled, commercial air service to the North Country. I will work with the Department of Transportation and local officials to do everything possible to improve this difficult situation.”


EAS serves 5 separate airports in New York’s 23rd Congressional District: Massena International Airport, Plattsburgh International Airport, Ogdensburg International Airport, Adirondack Regional Airport in Saranac Lake, and Watertown International Airport.


December 20, 2007

The Honorable Mary E. Peters
Secretary of Transportation
U.S. Department of Transportation
400 7th Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20590

Dear Secretary Peters:

I am writing with regard to the provision of Essential Air Service (EAS) service to Massena, Ogdensburg, Watertown, Plattsburgh, and Saranac Lake, New York in my 23rd Congressional District.

On December 19, 2007, Big Sky Transportation Co. (Big Sky) announced that all East Coast service would be terminated as of midnight, January 7, 2008, including the five locations mentioned above. As you can imagine, this is of great concern, particularly as Big Sky is the only air transportation carrier to service these communities. I am told the U.S. Department of Transportation has issued an emergency order requiring Big Sky to continue air service for 90 days and that an emergency request for proposals has been issued to locate new carriers.

Given the importance of this matter, I respectfully request that the Department of Transportation immediately provide the affected communities with guidance to ensure continued air service. It is my understanding that a carrier cannot terminate service until a replacement carrier has been selected. Accordingly, I would greatly appreciate your advising me what possible actions may be taken should Big Sky violate their EAS contract due to early termination. Further, I request that all local officials be fully consulted with respect to any new applicants for EAS contracts. I also encourage the Department to examine every available option to ensure continued community access to air transportation.

I appreciate your attention to this matter and look forward to receiving your timely response. I, and all affected communities, am anxious to fully work with you on this issue of critical importance.

With best wishes, I am

Sincerely yours,

John M. McHugh
Member of Congress

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