The Earth Observer, July/August, 1995 Issue

The 3rd NIIEM NASA Meteor-3M/SAGE III Interface Meeting

Lelia Vann (, SAGE Science managerh, NASA Langley Research Center

Representatives of the Scientific Research In stitute of Electromechanics (NIIEM) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) conducted a meeting at NIIEM, located in Istra, Russia, July 24-28, 1995, to discuss the technical interface between the Russian Meteor-3M spacecraft and the U.S. Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment (SAGE) III. The meeting was co-chaired by Rashid Salikhov, Deputy Director of NIIEM, and Victoria Hall, SAGE III Program Manager at NASA Headquarters. Representatives of NIIEM, NASA Headquarters, NASA Langley Research Center (LaRC), NASA Wallops Flight Facility, Ball Aerospace, Central Aerological Observatory (CAO), NPO "Planeta," and IDEA, Inc. took part in the meeting.

The meeting consisted of discussions by management, technical, and science groups of the Meteor-3M/SAGE III project. Splinter discussions were held for the following subgroups:

Project Management
co-chairs: R. Salikhov, V. Hall
Mechanical and Thermal Interface
co-chairs: G. Petrenko, S. Holloway Electrical Interface
co-chairs: A. Vladimirov, J. Quinn
Science and Data Processing
co-chairs: Y. Borisov, L. Vann
Contamination Control
co-chairs: N. Lobakov, S. Holloway
Integration and Test
co-chairs: V. Zavgorodny, D. Carraway
Mission Operations
co-chairs: R. Salikhov, M. Cisewski.

Several significant changes to the design of the Meteor-3M(1) spacecraft were presented by the Russian side. The Meteor-3(8) meteorological spacecraft will not launch in 1996 as planned. Therefore, the Meteor-3(8) subsystems will be used to the maximum extent possible in the development of the Meteor-3M(1) spacecraft; however, subsystems will be modified as necessary to accommodate all of the SAGE III instrument requirements. These design changes will be reviewed by the American side to ensure that all SAGE interface requirements are met by the revised Meteor-3M(1) spacecraft design.

The following changes were discussed:

These changes will be reflected in the interface control document (ICD).

Both sides agreed that the goal for the mission duration will be three years, and the launch date will be August, 1998. The launch vehicle for Meteor-3M(1) will be the Zenit 2.

Both sides reconfirmed that the nominal altitude for the spacecraft would be 1020 kilometers, the inclination would be 99.53 degrees, and the ascending node crossing time would be 9:15 a.m., plus or minus 15 minutes. Both sides also reconfirmed that the 1553B Bus will be employed for the exchange of commands and information between the Meteor-3M(1) and SAGE III.

The requirements for the science data telemetry format have been changed. This change deletes the requirement to use the NOAA PCM Frame structure.

Because of spacecraft changes, the SAGE III configuration may not be known until late October. Therefore, both sides agreed to delay the delivery of the antenna model until December 31, 1995.

The Mechanical and Thermal Subgroup discussed the following topics:

NIIEM and NASA agreed to requests for technical drawings, tolerance analysis for the mounting holes, temperatures of the mounting sites, stiffness matrix, and a mass budget for SAGE III of 80 kg.

The Electrical and Mission Operations Subgroup discussed the following topics:

The Mission Operations Subgroup met for the first time. Representatives from NIIEM, NPO "Planeta," and CAO participated in the discussions from the Russian side and representatives from LaRC and Wallops Flight Facility participated from the American side. These discussions focused on SAGE III data reception. In addition, a very informative tour of the Russian Space Agency (RSA) Spaceflight Control Center was conducted. Both sides agreed to begin work on the Joint Mission Operations Plan.

The Contamination Control Subgroup discussed the preliminary Contamination Control Plan. This subgroup also participated in discussions with the Integration and Test (I&T) Subgroup on the I&T Development Plan. Both sides agreed that the Contamination Control Plan would be a joint document which will be prepared by both sides.

The Science and Data Processing Subgroup discussed the general algorithms used for the SAGE II and SAGE III scientific data. Considering the high importance of the accuracy of the science data, the limited time for algorithm development by both sides, and the SAGE II experience gained by the American side, the Americans agreed to inform the Russian specialists about the details of the methods and algorithms used by NASA for the SAGE II and SAGE III data. The Americans invited the Russian specialists to attend the SAGE III algorithm review scheduled to be held in the U. S. during the month of October 1995.

The Russian's ozone data from their chemical and optical rocketsondes were discussed. The Americans agreed to consider this ozone measurement capability as part of the SAGE III correlative measurement validation program.

The Russians agreed to identify the Russian members of the SAGE III Science Team and the members of the SAGE III Algorithm Working Group by August 10, 1995.

The I&T Subgroup held discussions concerning places and procedures for Meteor-3M/SAGE III I&T. The Russian specialists provided a tour of the MIK 1 and MIK 2 areas where integration and test of the flight model will occur. The SAGE III antenna model was discussed. It was proposed that the delivery be delayed until the end of 1995. The American specialists submitted a design for this model to the Russian specialists. It was approved. The flight model I&T process was discussed in detail. The preliminary plan provided by the Russian specialists was adjusted and agreed to by both sides. The Russian specialists provided preliminary requirements for the thermal model. These requirements will be clarified by November 1995. The issue of how the test procedures used for functional testing will be transferred to the Russian test computer system was discussed. The Russian specialists provided a sample of the test complex program.

The process for guaranteeing the cleanliness of the instrument and spacecraft was discussed with the Contamination and Control Subgroup. Contamination and control procedures were incorporated into the I&T Plan and were further defined in the Contamination and Control Plan.

The Russian side provided the following documents to their American counterparts:

The American side provided the following document to the Russian counterparts:

Both sides agreed to acknowledge receipt of information via fax, electronic mail, or letter mail. It was agreed that "express mail" should be used.

Both sides agreed to investigate upgrading Internet connectivity to NIIEM with regard to equipment, leased communication lines, satellite links, and network software. Currently, e-mail communications are via a dial-up line at a maximum rate of 2400 bps. Due to interference on the line, long e-mail messages and/or attached files are difficult or impossible. NIIEM is currently attempting to procure a dedicated leased line.

The two sides have proposed to hold the next meeting on the Meteor-3M/SAGE III project on October 23-27, 1995, in the United States.

The meetings were conducted in the spirit of partnership and mutual understanding.

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