The Earth Observer, July/August, 1995 Issue

Joseph H. Rothenberg Named Director Of Goddard

Brian Dunbar, Headquarters, Washington, DC (202) 358-1547)
Jim Sahli, Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD (301) 286-0697

Joseph H. Rothenberg will become the Director of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD, effective immediately, NASA Administrator Daniel S. Goldin announced today. Rothenberg has been the Center's Deputy Director since rejoining NASA from industry in April of this year.

In making the announcement, Goldin said, "Since returning to NASA, Joe Rothenberg has proven himself to be one of our most capable managers. I am very proud that he will be leading Goddard, our center of excellence for space and Earth sciences."

Rothenberg rejoined NASA from Computer Technology Associates, Inc., Space Systems Division, McLean, VA, where he was executive vice president. From 1990 to 1994, he was associate director of flight projects for the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) at Goddard. In this position, he directed the development and execution of the successful first servicing mission of the HST.

The new director began his career with Grumman Aerospace in 1964, ultimately serving as staff project engineer to the director of engineering for test and operations and as project manager for Goddard�s Solar Maximum Mission.

In 1983, Rothenberg joined Goddard as operations manager for the HST. In that position he led the NASA team responsible for developing and conducting orbital operations of the HST.

In April 1987, he was appointed chief of Goddard's Mission Operations Division. In September 1989 he was appointed deputy director of Mission Operations and Data Systems, followed by his appointment in 1990 as associate director for flight projects for the HST.

Rothenberg holds a bachelor of science degree in engineering science and a master of science degree in engineering management from C.W. Post College of the Long Island University. He is a member of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) and past president of the Long Island Section of the Instrument Society of America. He was the recipient of the Presidential Rank Award in 1995, NASA's Distinguished Service Medal in 1994, Senior Executive Service Meritorious Executive Award in 1994, the AIAA's Goddard Astronautics Award and the National Space Club Goddard Memorial trophy in 1994, the Collier Trophy in 1993, and NASA's Exceptional Service Medal in 1990.

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