



John Kerry Said What About Our Troops?

October 31st, 2006 by Spokesbloggette

Check out what Senator John Kerry says about our troops when he’s in front of a Democrat campaign audience.

In a letter to be sent today, Kingston is now leading the call for Kerry to apologize to the brave men and women who are fighting over in Iraq.  We will update later this afternoon.

UPDATE: Kingston and 28 fellow House Republicans sent the following letter to Senator John Kerry:

Dear Senator Kerry:

We are writing to express our outrage over your recent disrespectful and condescending comments concerning our brave troops in Iraq.  We demand that you offer a clear and simple apology, without caveat or explanation, to America’s finest.

In case you don’t remember, you told a recent campaign audience, “You know education, if you make the most of it and you study hard and you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well.  If you don’t, you get stuck in Iraq.”  We don’t know how many of our soldiers you have met, but they are the best and brightest that our nation has to offer and unlike you, Senator, they do not believe they are “stuck in Iraq.”

Senator Kerry, it is bad enough that you disparage their mission at every chance you get, that you ignore any signs of progress or hope, that like the mainstream media you focus only on the bad news and ignore the good news that American troops and their Iraqi allies are bringing to Iraqi families every day, and that you offer no alternatives and no plan for victory in Iraq or in the larger War on Terror.  Sadly, this seems to have become a pattern:  blame America first and disparage the men and women who serve so bravely in our defense.

We hope you will quickly and clearly apologize and in the future think about thsoe who are in danger, so far away, so that we may remain free to exercise the freedoms here that they are bringing to millions of people over there.


Jack Calls It Like It Is

October 31st, 2006 by Spokesbloggette

Jack appeared on Fox News Live this past Sunday to discuss whether or not Iraq will benefit the Democrats in the election.  As usual, Jack just tell it like it is.

You can check it out HERE.�

Raise The Roof

October 23rd, 2006 by Spokesbloggette

The Dow Jones today hit another record high.  It shot up over 110 points and crossed 12,100 for the first time! 

I’ll say it once again: this is the result of Republican policies of pro-growth, restrained spending and tax cuts for everyone.


October 19th, 2006 by Wikibill

The stock market makes history, so tell me again why do Nancy Pelosi, Charlie Rangel, and the Democrats want to raise taxes now and strangle our economy?

The stock market is at an all-time high
Tax revenues are at an all-time high
Deficits are shrinking fast
Gas prices are dropping faster
Unemployment is below the 40 year average

It’s the economy stupid!  And it is roaring!


October 19th, 2006 by Wikibill

NY Congressman Charlie Rangel is not sure who really is a terrorist. He called Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the 9/11 mastermind, and the other terrorists at GTMO “so called terrorists”!

Watch it for yourself (h-tip to or read the transcript below:
O’REILLY: How do you think you’re going to get Khalid Sheikh Mohammed to tell you about his al Qaeda associates without coerced interrogation? How would you get him to tell you?

RANGEL: You said that these terrorists, these so-called terrorists that…

O’REILLY: So-called?

RANGEL: We don’t know who they are.

O’REILLY: Khalid Sheikh Mohammed?

RANGEL: How are you going to find out - no, I’m not talking about him. I’m talking about.

O’REILLY: Well, that’s who we’re talking about here.
He is not sure if they are terrorists but he is sure the Democrats should grant them unprecedented Constitutional rights.  Mr. Rangel and 160 other Democrats voted against the terrorist tribunal bill to bring these dangerous terrorists to justice.

The bill already grants captured enemy combatants more legal protections than any other prisoners in the history of warfare.  Captured terrorists can have their detention reviewed by a military tribunal with a single appeal to the federal DC circuit court.  But until the lawyers of the ACLU are empowered to stop any questioning of terrorists, and until our nations most sensitive national security secrets are free to be leaked to the enemy and the New York Times, Mr. Rangel’s liberal allies just won’t be happy.

America needs to ask Mr. Rangel and the rest of the “cut and run” Democratic leaders two questions:

How can you be serious about winning the war on terror if you aren’t even sure who’s a terrorist?

And how can America take you seriously about fighting the war on terror if you won’t even ask the enemy tough questions or listen to their phone calls?

Look At That Dow Jones!

October 18th, 2006 by Spokesbloggette

The Dow Jones Industrial average reached a record high of 12,000 this morning.  On top of that, the Labor Department reports that consumer prices fell in September by the largest amount in 10 months.

Along with today’s economic news and the 6.6 million jobs that have been created since August 2003 and the deficit reaching its lowest level in 4 years, we once again see that pro-growth policies, restrained spending and tax cuts across the board bring great results.�

In Case You Missed It

October 13th, 2006 by Spokesbloggette

 The board at the New York Stock Exchange shows the Dow Jones Industrial Average up 96.69 points, to 11,948 as the closing bell is rung, Thursday Oct. 12, 2006. Stocks advanced Thursday, with the Dow Jones industrial average crossing 11,900 for the first time, after big consumer names like McDonald's Corp. gave investors hope that earnings would be strong despite a slowing economy. (AP Photo/Richard Drew)

Yesterday the Dow Jones closed at a new record high of 11,948.26.  This follows on the heels of President Bush’s announcement that the budget deficit has been cut in half - three years ahead of schedule - and has reached its lowest level in four years.

How is this possible? Well, how about cutting taxes for everyone and restraining spending.  It’s a winning formula that time and time again has proven to work. And what do the Democrats want to do?  Well, read HERE and then you decide which approach works best for the economy and for all Americans.

Some Insight Into Nancy Pelosi’s National Security Strategy

October 10th, 2006 by Spokesbloggette

In light of North Korea’s recent nuclear weapon test, we think this 2003 statement from Speaker wanna-be Nancy Pelosi give us some insight into her national security strategy:

“The United States does not need a multi-billion-dollar national missile defense against the possibility of a nuclear-armed intercontinental ballistic missile.”

Really Nancy? Do you still think that after this weekend?
A big hat tip to Hugh Hewitt.

60 years later, a Veteran receives his medals

October 10th, 2006 by Districtblogger

Today in Baxley, I had the honor of assisting Congressman Kingston in presenting a World War II veteran with medals he had won more than 60 years ago. If you have never seen a medal presentation, I highly recommend it.  It will fill your heart with pride and give you goosebumps.

Jack Phelps

The recipient was 84-year-old Jack Phelps, an Army veteran who stormed Omaha Beach on D-Day, helped liberate Paris, and fought in the Battle of the Bulge. Today, with his wife by his side, Mr. Phelps received the

  • Bronze Star medal with 1 bronze oak leaf cluster
  • Purple Heart with 1 bronze oak leaf cluster
  • Good Conduct medal, 2nd award
  • Presidential unit citation
  • American Defense Service medal
  • European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign medal with 3 bronze service stars with arrowhead
  • World War II Victory medal
  • Army of Occupation medal with Germany clasp
  • National Defense Service medal
  • Combat Infantryman Badge 1st award
  • Honorable Service lapel button WWII

Read the rest of Jack Phelps’ story:

Read the rest of this entry »

Have you heard? No?

October 10th, 2006 by Wikibill
Tidalwave of Tax Receipts Overwhelming Deficit
Record high revenue increases have bitten into the $423 billion budget deficit predicted at the beginning of the year.  New estimates put the deficit nearly 40% lower at $250 billion for the year.  The new estimate is $46 billion below July’s predictions.

At about 2% of our $13 trillion economy, the deficit is now significantly below the 2.7% of GDP average of the last 40 years.  Personal income tax payments are up by over 30% even though tax brackets were lowered by the Bush tax cuts.  37% of the income tax payments are now paid by the top-1% of all earners. Top earners now pay a near-record percentage of all taxes.

Corporate tax payments are up by over 76% in the last two years. Dividend payments are also up even though the tax rate was cut in half from 39.6% to 15%.

The verdict is in — tax cuts grow the economy, increase profits and income, and result in higher tax receipts and lower deficits.  So we need to ask — why do Nancy Pelosi and Charlie Rangel want to raise taxes on every tax paying familiy and business?

Ways and Means Chairman wanna-be, Rep. Charlie Rangel (D-NY), emphatically guaranteed tax hikes were on the Pelosi agenda when he joined her and fellow Democrats in rolling out their agenda. “Asked whether tax increases across the income spectrum would be considered, [Rangel] replied, ‘No question about it.’”

When asked if he would support extension of any of President Bush’s tax cuts. Rangel said he ‘cannot think of one.’

What does this mean?  Democrats want to repeal the Child Tax Credit, Marriage Penalty Relief, AMT Relief, Death Tax Relief, Lower Tax Rates on Capital Gains & Dividend Income, Work Opportunity Tax Credit, Tax Free 529 Accounts for College Savings, Saver’s Credit, Higher Pension / IRA Contribution Limits, Tax Credits for Hybrid Vehicles, Tax Credits for Alternative Fuels, and Charitable Giving Deductions, just to name a few.

They still don’t get it. It’s not their money. It’s yours and when we leave more of it in your hands good things happen in our economy.

Through The Democrat Looking Glass…

October 6th, 2006 by Spokesbloggette

The new jobs numbers were released today and I think we’ve finally run out superlatives to describe how great this economy is doing.  Of course listening to the doom-and-gloom Democrats you wouldn’t know that:  51,000 jobs were created in September, the unemployment rate has dropped to 4.6%, more than 6.6 million jobs have been created since August 2003 and the economy has added jobs for 37 straight months.

Apparently Nancy Pelosi, Charlie Rangel and Democrats look at these numbers and their instint is to immediately call for the repeal of all the President’s tax cuts.  And this includes such tax cuts as child tax credit and marriage penalty relief. 

These aren’t tax cuts that are for “the rich” these are tax cuts that help out working families across this country. And the Democrat plan?  Taking those away.  I wonder what the economic numbers will be once that happens?  Certainly not as good as the ones we’ve been seeing.�


October 5th, 2006 by Jack

Today, I sent letters to Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, Congressman Rahm Emanuel and DNC Chairman Rahm Emanuel requesting that they also come before the House Ethics Committee in regards to what they or their staff might have known about Mark Foley and his activities. The letters were also signed by 10 of my fellow Members.

This sad episode should not be a partisan issue. It reflects poorly on the Congress as a whole and weakens the trust of the American people. In order to restore that trust we must complete this investigation in a thorough and non-partisan fashion. All Members of the House, our staff, and members of the public regardless of political party should come forward and provide whatever information they know. We need to get to the bottom of who knew about Mr. Foley’s inexcusable actions, when did they know about it, when did they first become aware of the Instant Messages in question, and what did they do with that information. As Republicans we expect, and so far have seen, nothing less from our Leaders and today we are asking for the same full cooperation from Democratic Leaders.

The text of the letter is as follows:

Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi recently demanded that Speaker Hastert and other top Republican Members appear for questioning under oath by the Ethics Committee (“Pelosi Wants GOP Leaders’ Testimony, Roll Call, October 3, 2006) regarding the management of the scandal surrounding former Congressman Mark Foley.

We fully agree that anyone with knowledge of Mr. Foley’s activities, who then attempted to conceal such activities, should be held accountable.  Today, the bipartisan Ethics Committee announced that they will be conducting a complete investigation of the facts surrounding the case.

We support this decision and also believe that the seriousness of this goes beyond partisan politics and hope that you will join us in demonstrating full cooperation from your Members and political operatives as this investigation continues to unfold.�

Just as it must be determined whether any Republican Members or political operatives were aware of and attempted to conceal Mr. Foley’s activities, it must also be determined whether any Democrat Members or political operatives were aware of, and attempted to conceal these same activities.

Therefore, we respectfully ask that you appear, under oath, before the House Ethics Committee.

It is in the best interest of this great institution as well as the American people that this matter is cleared up quickly and every Member, regardless of party, should do all within their power to see to that.

The Differences Make All The Difference

October 3rd, 2006 by Jack

Mark Foley’s secret behavior was disgusting and disgraceful. He deceived many of us. As soon as the first indication of inappropriate, and possibly criminal, instant messages surfaced, Mark resigned in shame. I am quite certain that each of us would have moved quickly to expel him had he not resigned. As Majority Leader Boehner told Sean Hannity, he would have grabbed him by the tie and thrown him out of the House.

I think we all share that outrage. A formal criminal and ethical investigation has also begun. There is simply no place in Congress for those whose would abuse the public trust and place our children in danger.

Our response has been swift and clear.

But let’s remember how the Democratic Leadership dealt with a scandal involving actual illegal sexual relations with underage Congressional pages.

In 1983, two Congressman, Republican Dan Crane and Democrat Gerry Studds were both found guilty by the House Ethics Committee of engaging in sexual activity with 17-year-old congressional pages. Then-Congressman Newt Gingrich demanded their immediate expulsion but Democratic leaders instead led the vote for censure.

Dan Crane tearfully apologized for his actions, accepted his censure, and was promptly voted out of office.

Democrat Gerry Studds however stood by his relationship with a 17-year-old boy, refused to apologize, and even turned his back and ignored the official House censure being read to him. His Democratic colleagues gave him a standing ovation and even voted for him to chair a Congressional Committee. He served for 12 more years as Democrats in Massachusetts continued to elect this admitted pedophile.

Instead of accepting his censure in shame, Studds went on the attack and even held a press conference with his former teenage partner where he blamed others and said his actions were nobody’s business but his own. In part Studds address to the House reads, “It is not a simple task for any of us to meet adequately the obligations of either public or private life, let alone both, but these challenges are made substantially more complex when one is, as I am, both an elected official and gay.”

So there you have it. Even when the vilest mistakes are made, some people maintain a sense of shame, moral outrage, and ultimately accept responsibility; others just blame others, find excuses, feign outrage but accept no responsibility or consequences. What side are we on?

Here Are Some Numbers Nancy Pelosi Doesn’t Want You To Know

October 3rd, 2006 by Wikibill



The first number is the RECORD HIGH CLOSING of the Dow Industrial Average.

The second number is the HIGHEST LEVEL ever reached in the Dow’s 110 year history.

Both numbers were hit today and reflect a strong economy.  But there’s also one more number to keep in mind:

That is the number of tax cuts that Charlie Rangel would leave in place if the Democrats take control of Congress.  That includes everything from the Child Tax Credit to Marriage Penalty Relief.
Do we really want to turn the reins of our economy over to Charlie Rangel and Nancy Pelosi?