Lugar Energy Initiative > Lugar Collegiate Energy Summit

The Lugar Collegiate Energy Summit

Lugar Collegiate Energy SummitSenator Dick Lugar will host the inaugural Collegiate Energy Summit at the Indianapolis Museum of Art on September 18, 2009. Designed to engage, motivate and encourage college student leaders to focus on America’s energy security, the day-long summit also will serve as a networking opportunity for the students.

Join the Lugar Collegiate Energy Network Facebook group today!

The event is free but lunch is not included. Share the news across campus by distributing the Energy Summit flyer The Adobe Reader logo and register using the form below.

Student groups that would like to attend and display information about their organization should email for more information.

Energy-related businesses and community organizations interested in displaying information should email for more information.


Schedule coming soon!

Energy Summit Registration Form

First Name:
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Last Name:
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E-mail Address:
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Graduation year:
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Group/Club Name (if applicable):
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Please check the area that most interests you:

Learning how to create an energy – related club on campus
Tips for making your club successful/ choosing relevant projects
Public Policy Discussion


Senator Lugar's office addresses.
Please contact the Lugar Energy Initiative at: