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Science News

Recovery Funds Will Support Evaluation of Suicide Prevention Training
May 22, 2009 • Press Release
The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) is using funds from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act to provide grant support for the completion of a project under way to evaluate the effectiveness of a new training program for telephone crisis counselors at suicide hotline centers.
Brain Awareness Week Teaches Kids How Their Brains Work
March 17, 2009 • Press Release
The 10th annual Brain Awareness Week (BAW), a science and health education fair held in various locations across the United States, teaches fifth through eighth grade students about the brain. In Washington, D.C., it will take place March 16-20, 2009, at the National Museum of Health and Medicine at Walter Reed Army Medical Center. Several institutes from the National Institutes of Health will provide interactive exhibits and lectures focusing on brain health and neuroscience on March 18th and 19th.
NIMH Staff Honored for Work on Behalf of Returning Veterans
December 31, 2008 • Science Update
Several NIMH staff members will be awarded the 2008 Hubert H. Humphrey Award for Service to America for their work in addressing the mental health needs of returning veterans.
Three NIMH Grantees Receive White House Award
December 30, 2008 • Science Update
Three NIMH grantees were among the 67 recipients of Presidential Early Career Award in Science and Engineering (PECASE) for 2007:
New NIMH Strategic Plan Accelerates Mental Health Research
September 08, 2008 • Science Update
Building on the recent rapid advances in understanding the science of brain and behavior, the new National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) strategic plan is designed to maintain momentum in research and transform the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mental disorders.

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Meeting Summaries

NCDEU Meeting
June 01, 2006
Boca Raton, Florida
Named after the original NIMH New Clinical Drug Evaluation Unit clinical trials program, the NCDEU meeting has grown and evolved over the years to include a broad range of academic and industry investigators, practitioners, and NIMH and FDA staff.

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Director’s Updates

NAMI Awards Coveted Prize to NIMH’s Dr. Judith Rapoport
November 21, 2008
Judith L. Rapoport, M.D., chief of the NIMH Child Psychiatry Branch, is this year’s recipient of the Mind of America Scientific Research Award from the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI).
Linda Brady of NIMH Receives New Roadmap Compass Award
November 18, 2008
NIH Director Elias Zerhouni, MD, presented the first individual Roadmap Compass Award on October 24, 2008 to Linda Brady, Ph.D., director of the Division of Neuroscience and Basic Behavioral Science at NIMH, for her leadership and coordination of the Molecular Libraries Working Group.
NIH Director’s Pioneer Awards and New Innovator Awards: Funded Work Includes Research that May Increase Knowledge about Mental Health and Brain Disease
October 18, 2007
On September 17, 2007, NIH Director Elias Zerhouni announced the 2007 recipients of the Pioneer Awards and New Innovator Awards. The awards are key components of the NIH Roadmap for Medical Research. The programs support exceptionally creative scientists who take highly innovative approaches to major challenges in biomedical research.
NIMH Perspective on Diagnosing and Treating Bipolar Disorder in Children
September 03, 2007
A recently published research paper (September 2007, Archives of General Psychiatry) reported a 40-fold increase in the rate of diagnosing bipolar disorder in youth over the past decade.
New Director for Division of Adult Translational Research and Treatment Development Joins NIMH
August 10, 2007
Following a competitive, nationwide search, Wayne K. Goodman, M.D., joined NIMH in July 2007 as Director, Division of Adult Translational Research and Treatment Development (DATR).

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