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WebWise 2009: Digital Debates

The 2009 WebWise Conference on Libraries and Museums in the Digital World took place February 26-27 at the Hyatt Regency on Capitol Hill, Washington, DC, with a day of pre-conference workshops on February 25. The theme for this year's conference was "Digital Debates."

Visit the conference Web site to check out more information.

Download 2009 WebWise Agenda (PDF, 567KB)

Now available! WebWise Webcasts
Visit the WebWise Web page to view the speakers' presentations.


WebWise 2009 Agenda and Proceedings:

Pre-Conference Workshops—Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Pre-Conference #1: Making Web 2.0 Work for Your Institution (For Free)
Moderators: R. David Lankes, Director, Information Institute of Syracuse University, and Nina Simon, Experience Designer, Museum 2.0


  • Aaron Schmidt, Digital Initiatives Librarian, District of Columbia Public Library
  • Maddie Grant and Lindy Dreyer, SocialFish, LLC
  • Joseph Ryan, Digital Projects Librarian, NCSU Libraries
  • Eli Neiburger, Associate Director for IT and Production, Ann Arbor District Library

It is all well and good to talk about Web 2.0, but how does it really work? In this interactive session, four teams will demonstrate how you can harness the power of widely available free software to improve the way your institution manages data and communicates with your audience. Two teams will make your collections meaningful by taking a data set and building mashups. Two teams will use social tools to energize your membership and audience. All four teams will show their unique approaches to the challenges and will pull back the curtain on the nuts and bolts of building and communicating Web 2.0 applications. You will leave understanding how these tools work, what it takes to make them useful, and how you can start working with them–today. Come and experience the behind the scenes of the buzzwords.


Conference Day One—Thursday, February 26, 2009

Welcome to WebWise
Cathy Leff, Director, The Wolfsonian-Florida International University
Anne-Imelda M. Radice, Director, IMLS


Keynote Address: The Cloud, the Crowd, and the 3-D Internet — Implications for Cultural Organizations
Michael R. Nelson, Visiting Professor of Communications, Culture, and Technology, Georgetown University


Break and IMLS Project Demonstrations:


Session #1: Online Communities and The Institution
How do institutions balance the needs of staff and community in crafting social media strategies? What are the hot topics and challenges being confronted by innovators on the leading edge who are engaging patrons and visitors in new ways?

Moderator: Nina Simon, Experience Director, Museum 2.0


  • Shelley Bernstein, Chief of Technology, Brooklyn Museum
  • Deanna Marcum, Associate Librarian of Congress for Library Services
  • Michael Edson, Director of Digital Media Strategy, Smithsonian Institution


Lunch and Lunch Tables with Discussion Leaders


Session #2: Rights and Responsibilities
What are the rights and responsibilities of museums and libraries, both in terms of their collections and their users? How do legal concepts such as personal privacy and intellectual property/copyright affect museum and library technology initiatives and online presence?

Moderator: Priscilla Caplan, Assistant Director for Digital Library Services, Florida Center for Library Automation


  • Maura Marx, Executive Director, Open Content Alliance
  • Maria Pallante, United States Copyright Office
  • Jeffrey Rosen, Law Professor, George Washington University


Break and IMLS Project Demonstrations:

Session #3: Identity and Collaboration
Increasingly, museums and libraries are working with peer institutions to develop broad networks of cultural heritage institutions, such as by sharing access to collections, research, and the like. What issues are impeding collaboration? Can collaboration actually harm institutions by disrupting identity/branding or upsetting the cohesiveness of a collection?

Moderator: Joyce Ray, Associate Deputy Director for Library Services, IMLS


  • James Neal, Vice President for Information Services and University Librarian,
    Columbia University
  • Nancy Proctor, Head of New Media Initiatives, Smithsonian American Art Museum
  • Diana Rhoten, Director of Research, Digital Media and Learning,
    Social Science Research Council


Conference Day Two—Friday, March 7

Keynote Address: Born Digital: Understanding the First Generation of Digital Natives
John Palfrey, Harvard Law School


Session #4: Chasing the Edge and Maintaining the Core
How should institutions respond to the increasing need to innovate? What are strategies to balance innovation with the demands of maintaining core services, especially on limited budgets? How can institutions make their “edge” innovations more visible to those managing their core services?

Moderator: Benjamin Stokes, Program Officer in Digital Media and Learning, The MacArthur Foundation


  • David Ferriero, Andrew W. Mellon Director of the New York Public Libraries
  • Troy Livingston, Vice President for Innovation and Learning, Museum of Life
    and Science in Durham, NC
  • Patrick Whitney, Dean of the Institute of Design, Illinois Institute of Technology


Conference Wrap-Up
Marsha Semmel, Deputy Director for Museums and Director for Strategic Partnerships, IMLS


Previous WebWise Conferences:

WebWise 2008: WebWise 2.0: The Power of Community
March 5-8, 2007

WebWise 2007: Stewardship in the Digital Age
March 1-2, 2007

WebWise 2006: Inspiring Discovery: Unlocking Collections
February 15-17, 2006

WebWise 2005: Libraries and Museums in the Digital World
February 2005

WebWise 2004: Sharing Digital Resources
March 2004

back to Past Conferences Index

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