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Advanced Acquisition Planning Systems
AAP Overview A Tour of the Advanced Acquisition Planning System
AAP Coordinator Roles Learn about the Role of AAP Coordinators.
AAP Data Entry Learn about the tasks for AAP Data Entry.
General Videos for New Federal Users
1. What is FIDO.gov? Learn about Fido.
2. How to Find Fido web Sites on the Internet Use the FIDO Home page to locate others systems
3. How to Logon to a Fido system Learn how to logon and get your password, when you forget it.
4. Roles and Responsibilities in Fido systems Read Only or Point of Contact. Learn what you can and should do.
5. Save, Validate and Mark Complete in Fido.gov systems Need to Save but don't have all the information? FIDO has a process for you.
6. Score 300 in Fido.gov systems Get the big picture of current status.
7. FIDO Save,Save,Save The importance of Saving