• Congressman Turner meets with residents at Hoover Place, an independent living community for seniors in Dayton, for a conversation on health care reform.
  • Congressman Turner meets with residents at Huffman Place, an independent living community for seniors in Dayton, for a conversation on health care reform.
  • Mike Turner with volunteers who helped build the home in Beavercreek for Extreme Makeover Home Edition.
  • Mike Turner with volunteer roofers who helped build the home in Beavercreek for Extreme Makeover Home Edition.
  • Mike Turner speaking at the grand opening of NanoSperse LLC, a new company in Dayton that is providing nanotechnology for the aerospace industry.
  • Mike Turner speaking at the panel discussion as part of the 2009 US Air, Trade and Technology Expo in Dayton, Ohio.
  • Congressman Turner at the groundbreaking ceremony for the Air Force Research Lab Sensors Directorate.
  • Congressman Turner with members of the Noon Optimist Club of Centerville.
  • Congressman Turner Addressing a meeting of the National Association of Realtors.
  • Congressman Turner, vice chairman of the Congressional Urban Caucus, joined by Caucus chairman Chaka Fattah (right) at a press conference hosted by the National Association of Counties.


  • Clinton County High School Student Spends Summer in Congress

    08/19/2009 - Many high school students spend their summers working part-time or simply taking a leisurely break from the books. For 17-year-old Thomas Rupp, of Sabina, Ohio, this year’s summer vacation had to wait until after he answered a call to duty from Washington. In May, I nominated Rupp and he was selected by the Congressional Leadership to serve as a Page in the U.S. House of Representatives during the month of July.

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  • Cash for Clunkers Program Provides an Effective “Stimulus”

    08/12/2009 - In its first few days of existence, the Cash for Clunkers program quickly proved that a relatively small amount of money targeted to consumers can be more effective at spurring public spending than big government “stimulus.”

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  • Obama Administration Denies Health Care for IUE-CWA Workers

    08/05/2009 - As the Obama Administration continues to push its health care plan, the federal government is already denying promised health care benefits to 50,000 Ohio workers, many of whom live in the Miami Valley. Today, many General Motors employees and their families are wondering what happened to their hard-earned health benefits.

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  • Congressman Mike Turner was a guest on ‘Take a Stand with Adam McManus.’

    08/03/2009 - On Friday, July 24, 2009, Congressman Mike Turner was a guest on ‘Take a Stand with Adam McManus.’ The program airs on KSLR Radio (630AM) and is heard across South Texas. Congressman Turner discussed his constitutional amendment to prohibit the federal government from owning stock in corporations.

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Flag Order

U.S. Flags may be purchased through my office and flown over the Capitol building. If you would like to order a flag, please click on this link and fill out the attached order form.


courtesy of the Office of the Capitol Historian Video Interview Series

Congressman Turner interviews officials and leaders from the third district.


Washington, D.C.

Residents of Ohio’s Third Congressional District are encouraged to contact my offices if they are thinking of traveling to our Nation’s Capital. My staff and I can arrange tours for constituents.