Data Products for POAM II & POAM III :


The POAM II retreival version 6.0 includes the following profile data:
(1) Ozone concentration, 15-50 km
(2) NO2 concentration, 20-40 km
(3) Aerosol extinction at 1060nm, 10-30 km
(4) UKMO temperature, pressure, and potential vorticity, 0-60 km

The ancillary profiles of temperature, pressure, and potential vorticity from the UK Meteorological Office (UKMO) have been interpolated to the location and time of the POAM II measurements. The MSISE-90 model has been used to extend these profiles above the top UKMO pressure level.

The time span for the data is Nov 3, 1993 to Nov 13, 1996. A complete catalog containing the times and locations of all the retrievals is available below:

Northern Hemisphere Catalog
Southern Hemisphere Catalog

The data are publicly available at the NASA Langley Atmospheric Sciences Data Center,

The data are also distributed by NRL by FTP in several formats, including ascii format, HDF, and IDL® save files.


The POAM III retreival version 4 includes the following profile data:
(1) Ozone concentration, 5-60 km
(2) NO2 concentration, 20-40 km
(3) Aerosol extinction at 6 wavelengths, 5-25 km
(4) Water Vapour, 5-45 km
(5) UKMO temperature, pressure, and potential vorticity, 0-60 km

The ancillary profiles of temperature, pressure, and potential vorticity from the UK Met Office (UKMO) have been interpolated to the location and time of the POAM III measurements. The MSISE-90 model has been used to extend these profiles above the top UKMO pressure level.

The time span for the data is April 22, 1998 to Dec 5, 2005.

A sample catalog containing the times and locations for the first few years of retrievals is available below:

Northern Hemisphere Catalog
Southern Hemisphere Catalog

The data are distributed by FTP in several formats, including ascii format, HDF, and IDL® save files.

The data will be publicly available at the NASA Langley Atmospheric Sciences Data Center, beginning sometime in 2005.

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