Onnet - Stereonets Made Easy

onnet is a stereonet plotting program that is reads "user friendly" input files and produces postscript output. The input files are designed to allow easy editting of both the content of plots and how the content is displayed. Two auxiliary programs, stnet and sttics, help draw standard stereonets and tic marks on stereonets. Onnet uses the GMT postscript plotting library.

onnet runs on unix systems but may is in fairly standard C and may be ported to other systems.

The current version is 2.0b, where b stands for beta. This is a new port to SunOS 5.6 and the GMT libraries so bugs are quite possible.

For more information on onnet read the documentation.

To obtain the source code and documentation for your own machine download this compressed tar file. The command
zcat onnet.tar.Z | tar xf -
will extract the files on your system.

If you have a SunOS 5.6 system (or one that will execute the same programs) then you can just download a compressed tar file of the executables. The command
zcat onnet_sunos5.6.tar.Z | tar xf -
will extract the files on your system.

Questions and bug reports should be sent to

This page was last modified on August 30, 1999.