Dr. Jack Tueller
photo: Jack Tueller

Dr. Jack Tueller

Laboratory for High Energy Astrophysics
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Code 661
Building 2, Room 245
Greenbelt, MD 20771

Phone 301-286-4678
Fax 301-286-1684
email tueller@gsfc.nasa.gov


Astrophysicist, Laboratory for High Energy Astrophysics


Ph.D., Physics, Washington University in St. Louis, 1979
B.S., Physics and Math, University of Puget Sound, 1971


My primary research interest is high resolution hard x-ray and gamma-ray spectroscopy of astrophysical sources. I have a particular interest in nucleosynthesis, especially detecting and interpreting the shapes of lines from radioactive decay (SN1987A, Galactic 26Al). I have spent many years attempting to understand the elusive source of positrons in the central region of our galaxy and the associated annihilation radiation at 511 keV. I am especially interested in the hard x-ray emission from the inner edge of black hole accretion disks in Galactic and extragalactic sources. I published the first high resolution spectrum of the hard x-ray cyclotron line from Her X-1. Most of my research has been conducted on balloon bourne instruments designed in built by small teams of scientists and engineers.


1994 - present Balloon Project Scientist
1996 - present Principal Investigator, International Focusing Optics Collaboration for uCrab Sensitivity (InFOCuS)
1992 - 1996 Principal Investigator, Gamma-Ray Imaging Spectrometer (GRIS)


John C. Lindsay Memorial Award for Science (GSFC's highest science prize, one awarded each year)

Curriculum Vitae available at GSFC only.


"A Maximum Entropy Map of the 511 keV Positron Annihilation Line Emission Distribution near the Galactic Center", L. X.Cheng, M. Leventhal, D. M. Smith, W. R. Purcell, J. Tueller, A.Connors, D. Dixon, R. L. Kinzer, and J. G. Skibo, ApJ, 481, 43.

"GRIS Detection of 26Al 1809 keV Line Emission from the Galactic Center Region as a Broad Line", J. E. Naya, S. D. Barthelmy, L. M. Bartlett, N. Gehrels, M. Leventhal, A. Parsons, B. J. Teegarden, and J. Tueller, Nature Let. Vol. 384, 44.

"Gamma Ray Observations of the Galactic Center: Removing the Ridge Contribution", N. Gehrels and J. Tueller, Ap. J. 407, 597.

"GRIS Detections of the 511 keV Line from the Galactic Center Region in 1992", M. Leventhal, S. D. Barthelmy, N. Gehrels, B. J. Teegarden, J. Tueller and L. M. Bartlett, Ap. J. Let. 405, L25.

"Observations of Gamma-Ray Line Profiles from SN1987A", J. Tueller, S. Barthelmy, N. Gehrels, and B. J. Teegarden, Ap. J. Let. Vol. 351, L51.

"Reappearance of the Annihilation Line Source at the Galactic Center", M. Leventhal, C. MacCallum, S. Barthelmy, N. Gehrels, B. J. Teegarden, and J. Tueller, Nature Let. Vol. 339, 36.

"Resolution of the 1238 keV Gamma Ray Line from Supernova 1987A", B. J. Teegarden, S. Barthelmy, N. Gehrels, J. Tueller, M. Leventhal, and C. MacCallum, Nature Let. Vol. 339, 112.

"Evidence for Variability of the Hard X-ray Feature in the Hercules X-1 Energy Spectrum", J. Tueller, T. Cline, W. Paciesas, B. Teegarden, D. Boclet, Ph. Durouchoux, J. Hameury, N. Prantzos, and R. Haymes, Ap. J. 279, 177.

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