Division of Intramural Research

Vision, Mission and Values
Organizational Chart
Research Branches
Cancer Genetics Branch
Genetic Disease Research Branch
Genetics & Molecular Biology Branch
Genome Technology Branch
Inherited Disease Research Branch
Medical Genetics Branch
Social and Behavioral Research Branch
Research Investigators
Profiles, publications, links
Clinical Research
Clinical trials, patient recruitment, IRB, FAQ, Overview
NHGRI Affiliated Centers
Online Research Resources Developed at NHGRI
Databases, software, tools, more.
Division of Intramural Research Calendar
Workshops, conferences, seminar series, courses, more.
Books and Publications

Homeright arrowResearchright arrowIntramural Research right arrowOnline Research Resources Developed at NHGRI

Online Research Resources Developed at NHGRI

Research Projects and Sequence Analysis Tools

Software Available for Download

  • ArrayDB 2.0
    A software suite that provides an interactive user interface for the mining and analysis of microarray gene expression data.

  • ComboScreen
    An organizational framework of analytical tools required for the high-throughput screening of clone arrays with pools of probes.

  • eSAGE
    A comprehensive software package for managing and analyzing data generated by Serial Analysis of Gene Expression.

  • GeneLink
    A data management system designed to facilitate genetic studies of complex traits.

  • GeneMachine
    An integrated tool that performs both comparative and predictive gene identification techniques in a single run.

  • Genometric Analysis Simulation Program (G.A.S.P.)
    A software tool that can generate samples of family data based on user specified genetic models.

  • SOOP
    A tool for the design and selection of overgo probes optimized for high-throughput comparative mapping.

  • WebBLAST
    A suite of programs that organizes sequencing data and provides first-pass sequence analysis in the form of BLAST searches.

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Last Updated: March 30, 2009

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See Also:

Online Research Resources
for Genetic and Genomic Researchers