Health Care

Quality health care is critical to maintaining the health and well-being of our citizens. This issue is especially critical in Alaska, where health care costs can be up to 70 percent higher than in the Continental U.S.   [MORE]


I have introduced legislation that would permit oil and gas to be recovered from ANWR in an environmentally conscious manner.   [MORE]


Alaska has abundant natural resources that can help reduce our dependence on foreign oil for our energy needs.   [MORE]


I am concerned with the current level of government spending and how it will affect Alaska families.   [MORE]


Information related to Alaska projects funded by the Senate in Fiscal Year 2010 Appropriations.   [MORE]

Murkowski Pays Tribute to Mrs. Lu Young [ MORE PHOTOS ]
Senator Lisa Murkowski Pays Tribute to Lu Young [ MORE VIDEOS ]
  • 08.03.2009
    Senator Murkowski Pays Tribute to Lu Young
    murkowskifloor080309.mp3 - | 3.6 MBs | Studio
  • 07.15.2009
    Murkowski Comments on Democrats' Health Care Bill
    murkowskipresser071509.mp3 - | 2.2 MBs | Studio
  • 07.09.2009
    Sen. Murkowski Comments on Ninth Circuit Action on Kensington Mine and No Child Left Behind Legislation
    murkowskistudio070909.mp3 - | 2.6 MBs | Studio

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