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The Registered Nurse Population: Findings from the National Sample Survey of Registered Nurses

Printer-Friendly NSSRN 2000

Chapter I: Introduction

Chapter II: The RN Population 1980 - 2000

Chapter III: The Registered Nurse Population 2000


The Health Resources and Services Administration, Bureau off Health Professions, Division of Nursing is the key Federal focus of information regarding nursing education and practice in the U.S. It provides national leadership to assure an adequate supply and distribution of qualified nursing personnel to meet the health needs of the nation. In support of this responsibility, the Division maintains comprehensive data and analysis of current and future nursing personnel resources and requirements. The acquisition and the presentation of data on the registered nurse population and its characteristics are an essential part of the Division’s program.

The National Sample Survey of Registered nurses is the Nation’s most extensive and comprehensive source of statistics on all those with active licenses to practice in the United States whether or not they are employed in nursing. It provides information on the number of registered nurses, their educational background and specialty areas; their employment settings, position levels, and salaries; their geographic distribution; their personal characteristics including gender, racial/ethnic background, age, family status, and, in this study, satisfaction with their job.

The development of a design for collecting data through national sample surveys of registered nurses originated in July 1975 in a contract with Westat, Inc. Subsequently, the Division of Nursing conducted seven national sample surveys. Reports for six studies, those conducted in September 1977, November 1980 and 1984, and March 1988, 1992, and 1996, have been published and made available to those involved in health care planning and evaluation as well as to the public. This publication is the report of the seventh study, conducted in March 2000.

The data collection for this study was carried out by Research Triangle Institute through a contract. The report was authored by Ms. Ernell Spratley, Dr. Ayah Johnson, Dr. Julie Sochalski, and Mr. Marshall Fritz. Mr. William Spencer programmed and summarized the data into tables. Ms. Lisa Gentry formatted the report for printing. Ms. Dena Saunders provided secretarial assistance and Ms. Carol Jordan provided editorial services. The Division of Nursing is pleased to make this important information on the nation’s registered nurse resources available through the report.


Ernell Spratley
Ayah Johnson, Ph.D.
Julie Sochalski, Ph.D.
Marshall Fritz, M.S.
William Spencer