Mary MacLean 202.225.4465

Garrett Opposes Wasteful Democrat Budget

Washington, Mar 5 -

(Washington, DC) Today, U.S. Representative Scott Garrett (NJ-5), a member of the House Budget Committee, condemned the Democrat budget proposal and joined several of his conservative colleagues in offering amendments to help cut spending and bring fiscal discipline back to Washington.

In response to the budget proposal, Garrett stated:

“Once again, the Democrats demonstrate complete disregard for the hardworking American taxpayers and construct a budget that massively increases spending and taxes.

The proposed budget would increase taxes by $683 billion over five years. Like old habits, the Democrats are taking from the pocketbooks of Americans in order to foot the bill for their excessive spending.

“The Democrats budget also does not contain a permanent fix for the outdated and burdensome Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT), it only shifts the AMT’s $70 billion scheduled tax increase to later down the road, forcing Americans to face a much larger problem in the future. It is clear by the Democrats lack of action in fixing the AMT that they enjoy punishing hard work and prosperity, and because of this they force the middle class and our nation’s small businesses to bear the burden. 

“To make matters worse, the Democrats have also advocated for an increase in discretionary spending above the President’s budget by $22 billion in FY 2009 and by a whopping $276 billion over five years. Their proposal contains 16 reserve funds which are mechanisms to increase taxes and spending above the levels proposed in the budget resolution.  Last year, House Democrats used reserve funds to pass legislation that would increase spending by $200 billion over ten years above the budget resolution’s levels. It’s clear that Democrats must go back to the drawing board and create a budget that does not force or children to bear our debt.”

