

I believe we must continue our efforts to get spending under control and also address the federal deficit. However, given the fact that spending priorities may differ from region to region and from Congressional District to Congressional District, this is often a difficult task. Further, what some may consider "unnecessary" spending may in reality be helpful to others.

I will continue to review all legislation that comes before us to ensure that each and every program and activity spends American taxpayers' dollars in the most efficient and effective manner possible. As part of that review, it is my responsibility to ensure that those programs our residents have come to rely upon are protected to the greatest extent possible, and that our State and the 23rd Congressional District are treated fairly and equitably.

To accomplish this goal, I will continue to propose and support funding for specific projects that are to our benefit, including, but not limited to, such items as those for defense, homeland security, education, health care, agriculture, and economic development, as well as tax relief and deficit reduction.