Thursday, June 22, 2006

Isakson Praises Senate’s Refusal
to Set Specific Timelines for Withdrawal of Troops from Iraq
We Cannot As a Nation Lose Our Resolve’

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Johnny Isakson (R-Ga.) today praised the Senate for rejecting Democratic efforts to push for specific timelines for the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq, saying that America must not lose its will in the War on Terror.

“It’s time we recognize that we’re winning a great victory for mankind, not just the Iraqi people. That America went to enforce a U.N. resolution that the U.N. would not enforce. That we deposed a dictator that everybody said was bad,” Isakson said.

The Senate rejected by a vote of 13 to 86 an amendment that would have required withdrawal of most U.S. forces in Iraq by July 1, 2007. The Senate also rejected by a vote of 39 to 60 a non-binding amendment that urged the president to begin extricating U.S. troops in Iraq this year.

“ We cannot as a nation lose our resolve or have politicians quibble on the edges while our men and women are in harm’s way,” Isakson said. “Have some of us forgotten 9/11? Have we forgotten the U.S.S. Cole? Have we forgotten the Fatwa when war was issued on America by Al Qaeda? Most Americans haven’t.”

Isakson again stressed how critical it is for America to remain committed to Iraq and to the War on Terror. Isakson said withdrawing troops before Iraq is fully secure or revealing timelines for the withdrawal of troops sends the terrible message to the terrorists and insurgents that America has lost its will.

“We must remember today we are not in a war like past wars. We are in the ultimate war between good and evil. The terrorists don’t want to beat us. They want us to lose our resolve so they can rule the world through intimidation,” Isakson said. “For us to talk about timetables or to compromise our commitment is just plan wrong, and I’m pleased the majority of the Senate feels the same way.”




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