Jim DeMint
U.S. Senator, South Carolina
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Recent Audio Files  View by Month & Year 
July 2009
  9th - DeMint 107.3 JAMZ Recording C
demint_1073JAMZ_radiocutC0709091.mp3 - | 319.4 KBs | Studio quality
  9th - DeMint Hot 98.1 Recording A
demint_HOT981_radiocutA0709091.mp3 - | 335.2 KBs | Studio quality
  9th - DeMint Hot 98.1 Recording B
demint_HOT981_radiocutB070909.mp3 - | 319.4 KBs | Studio quality
  9th - DeMint 107.3 JAMZ Recording B
demint_1073JAMZ_radiocutB0709091.mp3 - | 319.6 KBs | Studio quality
  9th - DeMint 107.3 JAMZ Recording A
demint_1073JAMZ_radiocutA0709091.mp3 - | 337.2 KBs | Studio quality
  9th - DeMint Hot 98.1 Recording C
demint_HOT981_radiocutC070909.mp3 - | 315.5 KBs | Studio quality
  8th - DeMint Speaks on Senate Floor about Border Fence
DeMintBorderFence.mp3 - | 2.9 MBs | Studio quality

June 2009
  10th - DeMint on Sotomayor meeting
demintactuality061009.mp3 - | 602.8 KBs | Studio quality

May 2009
  26th - DeMint reaction to Sotomayor nomination to Supreme Court
demint5_26_09.mp3 - | 529.3 KBs | Phone quality

April 2009
  21st - DeMint speaks about Tea Party movement and need to increase freedom, not government
demintfloor042109.mp3 - | 7.3 MBs | Studio quality

March 2009
  4th - DeMint Urges Obama to Veto 9,000 Earmarks
demint3_4_09.mp3 - | 9.3 MBs | Studio quality

February 2009
  26th - DeMint on Senate Floor about Fairness Doctrine
demintfloor2_25_09.mp3 - | 5.4 MBs | Studio quality
  26th - DeMint comments on Senate passing ban on Fairness Doctrine
demintfairness2_25_09.mp3 - | 1.3 MBs | Phone quality
  25th - DeMint Speaks on Senate Floor about Broadcaster Freedom Act
demint2_25_09.mp3 - | 7.3 MBs | Studio quality
  24th - DeMint Reaction to Presidential Address
demintPOST022409.mp3 - | 1.7 MBs | Studio quality
  20th - DeMint Seeks Vote on Fairness Doctrine
demint022009.mp3 - | 367.3 KBs | Studio quality

July 2008
  21st - DeMint Chairs Hearing on Union Card Check
demint7_21_08.mp3 - | 5.4 MBs | Studio quality
  14th - DeMint Calls on Congress to End Offshore Drilling Ban
demint7_14_08.mp3 - | 699.0 KBs | Phone quality

June 2008
  13th - DeMint on Life at Conception Act
demint6_13_08.mp3 - | 403.5 KBs | Studio quality
  11th - DeMint PSA on Homeownership Help
demint6_11_08.mp3 - | 362.5 KBs | Studio quality
  5th - DeMint on Walt Wilkins Confirmation as U.S. Attorney for South Carolina
demint6_5_08.mp3 - | 210.5 KBs | Studio quality

May 2008
  15th - DeMint on California Marriage Decision
demint5_15_08.mp3 - :41 | 406.6 KBs | Studio quality
  7th - DeMint on U.S. Attorney Nominee Walt Wilkins
demint5_7_08.mp3 - 30 seconds | 268.8 KBs | Studio quality

January 2008
  28th - Senator DeMint comments on the State of the Union address
demintSOU1_28_08.mp3 - | 1.2 MBs | Studio quality

October 2007
  31st - DeMint on Nuclear Power
demint10_31_07.mp3 - 2:40 | 1.5 MBs | Studio quality

September 2007
  11th - DeMint questions General Petraeus on Iraq
demintpetraeus09_11_07.mp3 - 6:00 | 3.5 MBs | Studio quality

June 2007
  28th - DeMint Immigration June 28
demintimmig06_28_07.mp3 - | 1.1 MBs | Studio quality
  20th - Senator DeMint speaks on Charleston Firefighters
demintfighters06_20_07.mp3 - | 1.5 MBs | Studio quality

February 2007
  6th - Senator Demint's Iraq Speech
demintiraqspeech02_06_07.mp3 - 1:40 | 907.4 KBs | Studio quality

January 2007
  23rd - State of the Union Reaction
demintpostSOTU01_23_07.mp3 - | 507.9 KBs | Studio quality
  23rd - Senator DeMint previews State of the Union Address
demintpreSOTU01_23_07.mp3 - 1:00 | 526.3 KBs | Studio quality
  11th - Earmark Senate Floor Speech
demintearmarks1_11_07.mp3 - | 6.1 MBs | Studio quality
  8th - Senator DeMint speaks at Heritage Foundation on NCLB
demintNCLB01_08_07.mp3 - 9:00 | 5.1 MBs | Studio quality

October 2006
  26th - Senator DeMint Comments on the signing of the Secure Fence Act into Law
demintfence10_26_05.mp3 - :46 | 452.8 KBs | Studio quality

September 2006
  27th - Senator DeMint Comments on Homeland Security
demintsecuirty09_27_06.mp3 - | 751.3 KBs | Studio quality
  19th - Sen. Sessions Comments on Border Security and Immigration
sessionohioclock09_18_06.mp3 - 1:43 | 1002.0 KBs | Studio quality
  19th - Sen. DeMint Comments on Border Security and Immigration
demintohioclock09_19_06.mp3 - 1:22 | 804.3 KBs | Studio quality

July 2006
  26th - Sen. DeMint comments on the Iraqi PM’s speech
demint07_26_06.mp3 - 1:06 | 1.0 MBs | Studio quality
  25th - Child Custody Protection Act
demintchild7_25_06.mp3 - 2:50 | 973.3 KBs | Studio quality

June 2006
  28th - DeMint speaks about Carolina Day
demintcarolinaday6_28_06.mp3 - 4:15 | 2.4 MBs | Studio quality
  22nd - Demint comments on Democrats call to retreat in Iraq
demint06_22_06.mp3 - 45 seconds | 437.5 KBs | Studio quality
  8th - Statement on death of Al Zarqawi
demintzar6_08_06.mp3 - 33 seconds | 326.3 KBs | Phone quality

May 2006
  25th - News Conference on Immigration Vote with Sen. DeMint, Sen. Allen, and Sen. Isakson
KH05_25_06.mp3 - 22:40 | 9.1 MBs | Studio quality
  2nd - News Conference on energy prices
demintenergy5_02_06.mp3 - 2 minutes | 1.8 MBs | Studio quality

April 2006
  27th - Senator DeMint speaks on Capitol Hill on the need to keep doctors in South Carolina
demint4_27_06.mp3 - 2:22 | 962.7 KBs | Studio quality

January 2006
  30th - Sen. DeMint Comments on Harry Reid, Democrat obstruction on Senate Floor
demintreid01_30_06.mp3 - 8:52 | 5.1 MBs | Studio quality
  19th - Sen. DeMint responds to Democrats attacks about Republican ethics
demintReid01_19_06.mp3 - 2:00 | 1.2 MBs | Phone quality

December 2005
  20th - Bloggers News Conference with Senator Cornyn from Texas
demintbloggers12_20_05.mp3 - 21 minutes | 11.9 MBs | Studio quality

November 2005
  16th - Alito meeting
demintalito11_16_05.mp3 - 1:03 | 990.6 KBs | Phone quality
  15th - DeMint responds to Democrats on Iraq, Energy
demintDem11_15_05.mp3 - 2:18 | 1.3 MBs | Studio quality

Recent Video Files  View By Month & Year 
May 2009
  20th - DeMint Questions Geithner on Permanent Bailouts
demint_may20.ram - | 2.3 MBs | quality

February 2009
  24th - Senator Jim DeMint Reaction to President Obama's Speech to Congress
demint_feb24.ram - | 4.6 MBs | quality

January 2008
  28th - Senator Jim DeMInt Statement on the State of the Union
demint_jan28.ram - | 2.2 MBs | quality

March 2007
  23rd - Senators, Jon Kyl, Trent Lott, Jim DeMint, and Craig Thomas Press Conference on the Budget
gop_mar23.ram - | 14.4 MBs | quality

January 2007
  30th - Senator Jim DeMint Floor Statement on the Minimum Wage Bill
demint_src_jan30.ram - | 2.4 MBs | quality
  11th - Senator Jim DeMint Defends Pelosi Earmark Reform
demint_jan11.ram - | 11.5 MBs | quality
  8th - Senator Jim DeMint speech at the Heritage Foundation on No Child Left Behind Act
demint_jan8.ram - | 9.7 MBs | quality

December 2006
  6th - Senator Jim DeMint Floor Statement on Omnibus
demint_dec6.ram - | 7.1 MBs | quality

September 2006
  27th - GOP Leadership Speak on Hamdan, NIE, and Border Security
src_sep27.ram - | 4.0 MBs | quality
  19th - Republicans Work to Strengthen and Secure America's Ports and Borders
src_sep19_border.ram - | 9.2 MBs | quality
  12th - Senator Jim DeMint Comments on CIA Invetigators Fearing Lawsuits
demint_sep12.ram - | 3.6 MBs | quality
  7th - Senator Jim DeMint comments at Republican Leadership press conference on securing America's Homeland
src_demint_sept7.ram - | 1.9 MBs | quality

August 2006
  2nd - Senator Jim DeMint press conference with Republican leadership on highlights of 109th Congress
demint_aug2.ram - | 4.9 MBs | quality

May 2006
  25th - Senator Jim DeMint and GOP Senators Discuss their Opposition to S.2611, the Comprehensive Immigration Bill
src_may25_demint.ram - | 927.2 KBs | quality
  2nd - Senator Jim DeMint press conference with Republican leadership on energy independence
demint_may2.ram - | 581.2 KBs | quality

March 2006
  28th - Senator Jim DeMint and Senate Republicans Discuss Border Security and National Security
demintA_mar28_sec.ram - | 600.4 KBs | quality

February 2006
  16th - Senator Jim DeMint Commerce Committee on WOHA Budget with Vice Admiral Lautenbacher
demint_feb16.ram - | 3.2 MBs | quality
  1st - Senator Jim DeMint responds to the State of the Union
demint_feb1.ram - | 1.1 MBs | quality

November 2005
  10th - Senator Rick Santorum and Senator Jim DeMint Social Security Rally
ss_nov10.ram - | 10.6 MBs | quality

September 2005
  28th - Senator Jim DeMint Floor Speech Supporting Judge John Roberts
demint_sept28.ram - | 2.9 MBs | quality

April 2005
  21st - "Financial Literacy" News Conference
SantorumNewsConf_April21.ram - 16 Min | 17.7 MBs | quality

Office Locations
112 Custom House
200 East Bay St
Charleston, SC 29401
P: 843-727-4525
F: 843-722-4923
1901 Main St
Suite 1475
Columbia, SC 29201
P: 803-771-6112
F: 803-771-6455
105 North Spring St
Suite 109
Greenville, SC 29601
P: 864-233-5366
F: 864-271-8901
Washington, D.C.
340 Russell
United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510
P: 202-224-6121
F: 202-228-5143
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This Home Page is maintained by the office of Senator Jim DeMint.
Please send comments to feedback@demint.senate.gov