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MOPITT Data Sets

MOPITT project.

Measurements Of Pollution In The Troposphere (MOPITT) was successfully launched into sun-synchronous polar orbit aboard Terra, NASA's first Earth Observing System spacecraft on December 18, 1999. The MOPITT instrument was constructed by a consortium of Canadian companies and funded by the Space Science Division of the Canadian Space Agency.

MOPITT generates atmospheric profiles of CO using thermal radiation at 4.7 µm. Column carbon monoxide and methane are measured using channels at 2.4 and 2.3 µm, respectively, to sense solar radiation from the surface. However, there are no plans to release a methane data product.

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Currently Available Data Sets

Obtain these data from the Data Pool or WIST.

Data Set Name
(Select name to order)
Version Description Parameters Data Format Temporal Coverage Avg Size
in MB
Data Pool: MOP03M.003 | MOP03M.004
3, 4 MOPITT CO gridded monthly means Carbon Monoxide HDF 03/03/2000 - Present 30
Data Pool: MOP03.003 | MOP03.004
3, 4 MOPITT CO gridded daily averages Carbon Monoxide HDF 03/03/2000 - Present 6
Data Pool: MOP02.003 | MOP02.004
Browse and Tools available
3, 4 MOPITT Derived CO Level 2 Data Carbon Monoxide HDF 03/03/2000 - Present 67
Data Pool: MOP01.004
3, 4 MOPITT Level 1 Radiances Sensor Counts HDF 11/01/2000 - Present 145
Data Pool: MOP01ES.004
3, 4 MOPITT Level 1 Eng Summary N/A ASCII Text 03/03/2000 - Present 0.5
Data Pool: MOP01QE.004
3, 4 MOPITT Level 1 Eng Exception Log N/A ASCII Text 11/01/2000 - Present 7
Data Pool: MOPCH.004
3, 4 MOPITT Calibration History N/A HDF 11/01/2000 - Present 26
WIST: MOP00ENG 1 MOPITT Level 0 - Engineering Data N/A Binary 03/03/2000 - Present 3
WIST: MOP00SCI 1 MOPITT Level 0 Science Data N/A Binary 03/03/2000 - Present 22
WIST: MOP00TBL 1 MOPITT Level 0 Table Data N/A Binary 03/03/2000 - Present 1

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