Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Isakson, Chambliss Co-Sponsor Legislation to End Reckless Spending, Reform Federal Budget Process

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senators Johnny Isakson, R-Ga., and Saxby Chambliss, R-Ga., today joined Senator Pete Domenici, R-N.M., in introducing bipartisan legislation to end reckless spending and reform the federal budget process by converting it to a two-year cycle, with one year for appropriating federal dollars and the other year devoted to oversight of federal programs.

“One of the problems we have in Congress with deficit spending is spending money on projects that shouldn’t be funded with tax dollars and programs that have outlasted their usefulness. So this is first and foremost about changing our budget process and setting priorities for spending,” Isakson said. “Also, under this legislation, if you appropriated during odd-numbered years and did oversight during even-numbered years, wouldn’t it be refreshing to have candidates seeking federal office in even-numbered years talking about the oversight of federal programs instead of how they want to spend more of the taxpayers’ dollars. Congress must become better stewards of the taxpayers’ money, and this legislation is a good step in that direction.”

“The people of Georgia expect their tax dollars to be used wisely, and they expect Congress to be more efficient and more productive,” said Chambliss. “I believe that improving our budget process is an important step in reigning in wasteful spending and ensuring fiscal responsibility, and I hope our colleagues will join us in supporting these much-needed reforms.” 

Specifically, the Biennial Budgeting and Appropriations Act, S.2627, would require the president to submit a two-year budget at the beginning of the first session of a Congress. Members of Congress would then need to adopt a two-year budget resolution, a reconciliation bill if necessary and two-year appropriations bills during that first session. The legislation ensures the enactment of two-year appropriations bills by providing a new majority point of order against consideration of an appropriations bill that fails to cover two years. 

The second session of a Congress would then be devoted to the consideration of authorization bills and oversight of federal programs. Isakson and Chambliss believe the enhanced oversight will result in more accountability of government programs.



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