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I'm Not a Doctor, But I Play One on TV
Aug 4, 2009  - Boehner: "Like the old joke goes, President Obama isn't a doctor, but he plays one on TV -- giving Americans a discomforting glimpse of life under ObamaCare, with government leaders and bureaucrats dispensing medical opinions that are better left to doctors, medical professionals, and patients. Thi... Watch

07-29-2009 Another Bill the U.S. House Hasn't Read
Jul 30, 2009  - The U.S. House considered a food safety bill today that would have created another government bureaucracy with the FDA in the middle in the system. Once again, lawmakers were not given time to read the bill before voting. Watch

The Chart Congress Doesn't Want You To See
Jul 28, 2009  - Rep. Boehner talks about how House Democrats are blocking Republicans from mailing copies of a chart showing the bureaucratic mess that a government takeover of healthcare would cause. Watch

Boehner Floor Speech in Response to President's Health Care Claims
Jul 23, 2009  - In a speech on the House floor, Rep. Boehner fact-checked numerous claims made by the President during his primetime health care news conference last evening. Despite facts that say otherwise, Washington Democrats continue to claim that their plan will keep government out of health care decisions, ... Watch

Boehner Discusses Health Care Reform on FOX's Live Desk
Jul 23, 2009  - In an interview with Fox News Live Desk, Rep. Boehner continued highlighting the Democrats government takeover of health care, which will ration care, force tens of millions off of their current coverage, and saddle employers with a job-killing small business tax. During the interview, Boehner also ... Watch

7-22-2009 Disputing White House's Claim of Economic Rescue
Jul 22, 2009  - Rep. Boehner disputes the White House's claim that it has "rescued the economy" in the face rising unemploymout and mounting job losses. Watch

Speech on Democrats' So-Called Health Care Reform
Jul 21, 2009  - Rep. Boehner speaks on the U.S. House Floor about his experience as a former small business owner as it relates to today's health care debate. Watch

Of Mice and Your Money
Jul 9, 2009  - With Unemploymetn Rising, Democrats' "Stimulus" Forces Taxpayers to Fund Mice in San Francisco Watch

Good Morning America Highlights Democrats' Trillion-Dollar "Stimulus" That Isn't Working
Jul 9, 2009  - On ABCs Good Morning America, the Democrats trillion-dollar stimulus spending bill that isn't workin was the top story today, as White House correspondent Jake Tapper highlighted our nations rising unemployment and growing dissatisfaction with the Democrats massive spending plan. Democrats had promi... Watch

Where Are The Jobs?
Jul 8, 2009  - Rep. Boehner recently released a new YouTube video targeting the failure of Washington Democrats trillion-dollar so-called stimulus bill and asking where are the jobs? The tongue-in-cheek web video, inspired by a classic 1984 TV commercial by now-Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), feat... Watch

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