Press Release

Contact: Matt Lavoie


McHugh talks with soldiers


Washington, Jun 26, 2007 - U.S. Congressman John M. McHugh (R-NY), Ranking Member of the Armed Services Committee’s Military Personnel Subcommittee, today released the following opening statement from the subcommittee’s hearing regarding the in progress review of Walter Reed Army Medical Center and the results of the Independent Review Group. His remarks follow:

“Thank you Dr. Snyder. Before I begin I’d like to thank you for holding this very important hearing to follow up on the issues raised at Walter Reed Army Medical Center earlier this year regarding the care of injured and wounded troops as they recover and transition either back to duty or to civilian life.

I also want to congratulate you on your selection as chairman of the Oversight and Investigation Subcommittee and thank you for your leadership during the short time as the distinguished chairman of this subcommittee.

I think we would all agree that the conditions and problems uncovered at Walter Reed are a dark chapter in the stellar history and tradition of a fine military medical institution that has served our nation’s warriors since 1909. With that in mind, my goal today is to get a sense as to whether not only the immediate issues have been resolved, but the policies and resources have been put in place to prevent these problems from occurring again at Walter Reed or at any other military medical facility.

I am encouraged by the immediate and aggressive response by the Department of Defense and the Army to the deficiencies that existed in the outpatient medical system. Secretary Gates is to be commended for establishing the Independent Review Group to identify shortcomings and make recommendations to improve the quality of life for our wounded combat veterans and their families as they recover at Walter Reed and the National Naval Medical Center at Bethesda. I look forward to hearing the findings and recommendations from the distinguished members of the Independent Review Group on our first panel. I would note that the Wounded Warrior Assistance Act of 2007, passed by the House of Representatives in March of this year, most of which has been included in the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008, legislatively addresses many of the recommendations offered by the IRG.

I am equally encouraged by the Army Medical Action Plan that appears to be a road map for short and long term solutions to the problems encountered by wounded and injured soldiers. With that being said, my enthusiasm is tempered by continuing to hear from soldiers in the Warrior Transition Units about problems, particularly with the MEB and PEB system, most recently during a sensing session with committee and member staff at Walter Reed. I look forward to discussing the details of the plan with the members of our second panel.”

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