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Energy & Environment

Every American has been directly affected by the energy crisis. The rising cost of oil necessitates an aggressive plan with meaningful solutions and immediate implementation. Gasoline prices are at an all time high with the potential to rise even higher. As a member of Congress, representing the Fifth District of Colorado, it is my duty and priority to support appropriate legislation most responsive to the needs of the American people.  

It is all well and good to propose measures that may pay off decades in the future, such as alternative energy research and higher CAFÉ standards for vehicles. The most urgent and immediate solution though is to ramp up domestic production of oil and gas right now. As a member of the House Committee on Natural Resources, I support utilizing the vast resources our nation has to offer. We can take positive steps to lower energy prices immediately, if only the majority leadership in Congress is willing to bring production measures to a vote. In an effort to successfully end this crisis, I am cosponsoring the following legislation:
111th Congress co-sponsorships coming soon*
From the 110th Congress
H.R. 6566, The American Energy Act
 This bill would increase the domestic supply of energy in environmentally sound ways by opening up deep sea resources, ANWR, and oil shale resources. In addition, conservation and energy efficiency would be improved by offering tax incentives for businesses and homeowners who improve their energy efficiency. Finally, this bill promotes renewable and alternative energy technologies.
*As an original cosponsor, Congressman Lamborn urged Congressional Democrats to schedule a vote before the August district work period on this “all of the above” energy legislation. The American Energy Act is one bill that would increase the supply of American-made energy with one vote. For more information on this act, click here.
H.R. 6379, Federal Exploration and Production Reform Act of 2008
This legislation streamlines the application approval process for the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to evaluate permits for exploration and production in both offshore and onshore federal lands.
 H.R. 3089, No More Excuses Energy Act of 2007 
Reduces the price of gasoline by opening new American oil refineries; investing in diverse energy sources such as wind, nuclear, and clean coal-to-liquid technology; and making available more homegrown energy through environmentally sensitive exploration of the Arctic Energy Slope and America’s Deep-Sea Energy Reserves.
H.R. 2279, Expand American Refining Capacity at Closed Military Bases 
Reduces the price of gasoline by streamlining the refinery application process and by requiring the President to open at least three closed military installations for the purpose of siting new and reliable American refineries.
H.R. 5656, To Repeal the Ban on Acquiring Alternative Fuels 
Reduces the price of gasoline by allowing the federal government to procure advanced alternative fuels derived from diverse sources like oil shale, tar sands and coal-to-liquid technology.
H.R. 2493, Fuel Mandate Reduction Act of 2007 
Reduces the price of gasoline by removing fuel blend requirements and onerous government mandates if they contribute to unaffordable gas prices.
H.R. 6107, American Energy Independence and Price Reduction Act 
Reduces the price of gasoline by opening the Arctic Energy Slope to environmentally sensitive American energy exploration. Exploration would be limited to 0.01% of the Refuge, and revenue received from the new leases would be invested in a long-term alternative energy trust fund. 
H.R. 6108, Deep Ocean Energy Resources Act of 2008 
Reduces the price of gasoline by enabling the United States to responsibly explore its own deep ocean to produce American energy. The bill would grant coastal states the authority to keep exploration 100 miles from their coastlines and it would also allow states to share in the revenues received.
H.R. 6463, Emergency Energy Cut the Red Tape Now Act of 2008
Gives the Secretary of the Interior the ability to open ANWR, oil shale reserves, and the Outer Continental Shelf, and streamline both the permitting and refinery processes.
H.R. 6418, Developing Resources Immediately and Long-Term through Leases on Our Nation's Offshore Waters Act of 2008
Terminates laws prohibiting the spending of appropriated funds for outer continental shelf leasing activities.
H.R. 6384, Americans for American Energy Act of 2008
Offers a comprehensive plan for American energy independence that includes exploration and consideration of the Outer Continental Shelf and ANWR; oil shale, tar sands, coal, and nuclear energy development; promoting energy efficiency and reform.  
H.R. 2784, National Environment and Energy Development Act
Declares without force or effect all federal prohibitions against the expenditure of appropriated funds to conduct natural gas leasing and preleasing activities for any area of the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS). Authorizes the Secretary to issue leases for development and production of natural gas and associated condensate and expresses the intent of Congress that this Act result in a healthy and growing American industrial, manufacturing, transportation, and service sector employing America's workforce to assist in the development of affordable energy from the OCS.
H.R. 3497, Surface Transportation and Taxation Equity Act or STATE Act
Amends the Internal Revenue Code to reduce the federal excise tax on gasoline and special fuels (but not below two cents per gallon) by corresponding increases in fuel taxes imposed by States after March 5, 2007.
H.R. 6207, $150 Barrel Energy Extortion Act of 2008
Authorizing the following to take effect when crude oil reaches $150 a barrel for one day: developing new nuclear power plants, new energy sources on t