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Lamborn Urges Colorado Senators to Oppose Confirmation of Sotomayor


Today, Congressman Doug Lamborn (CO-05) released the letter sent to both Colorado Senators urging them to oppose the confirmation of Supreme Court Nominee Sonia Sotomayor.

From the letter: 

“Judicial opinions must be separated from political beliefs, and Judge Sotomayor has expressed on many occasions the belief that judges cannot be independent and must rely on personal experience to make rulings. This is a disturbing judicial philosophy. It is imperative to the soundness of our justice system for our judges to impartially interpret the law, regardless of history, lineage, ethnicity, gender, race, or religion…

…To even hint at the use of foreign law is troubling because there is no Constitutional authorization for such interpretation. It ignores American sovereignty…

…It is not the proper role for a Supreme Court justice to be distracted by and concerned with how international community views our nation. Matters of diplomacy are conducted by an elected executive with elected legislative oversight…”—Congressman Doug Lamborn (CO-05)

Click here for the full text of the letter.
