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Lamborn Statement on House Passage of National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2010

Washington, Jun 25 -

“I voted in favor of this bill because it funds many of our vital national defense programs. However, it falls short on missile defense funding by $1.2 billion that I believe we need to protect our country.

“My primary concern with a cut of this nature is that it sets the baseline lower every year. If funding is not restored, the Obama administration and the Democrat majority in the House and Senate can continue to cut the missile defense budget even further and will continue to justify the cuts by pointing to only a relatively small decrease from the year before. The possibility of such a trend is extremely troublesome, because it will lead to the loss or serious delay of technological progress. 

“If the Administration’s missile defense cuts are sustained, America stands to lose over 11,000 jobs across the country.  In contrast, the so-called stimulus bill is estimated to create 12,988 temporary jobs.  I support keeping 11,000 people in higher paying jobs employed across the nation.

“I am pleased this bill will keep open the production line for the F-22 Raptors. This fighter is critical to American air superiority. I urge President Obama not to follow through with his threat to veto the entire authorizing bill if this program continues beyond the current defense department buy of 187 aircraft.

“The bill does contain some quality-of-life elements that I support. One such provision is for postage vouchers for our overseas service members. The vouchers would provide funding to allow family members and charitable groups to send troops letters and small care packages.

“I am also pleased that the bill will provide our troops a 3.4 percent pay raise. This is an improvement over President Obama’s proposed increase of only 2.9 percent. This will go a small way toward making military pay equitable with civilian pay.

“Also, the bill includes an amendment, which I support, to allow the Air Force Academy Athletic Association to operate as a non-profit corporation. This will result in increased revenues that will reinforce both intercollegiate and intramural sports programs. These programs build team work, foster camaraderie, and develop young men and women to be leaders in the Air Force.” —Congressman Doug Lamborn (CO-05)
