Healthy People 2010, a broad-based
collaborative effort among government, private, public, and nonprofit
organizations, has set national disease prevention and health promotion
objectives to be achieved by the end of this decade. The effort has two
overarching goals: to increase the quality and length of healthy life and to
eliminate health disparities.
Healthy People 2010 features 467 science-based
objectives and 10 Leading Health Indicators, which are a smaller set of
objectives chosen to track progress toward meeting Healthy People 2010
The Leading Health Indicators represent the important
determinants of health for the full range of issues in the 28 focus areas of
Healthy People 2010. The chart indicates which indicators are most
closely related to each of the 28 focus areas and suggests opportunities for
collaboration across focus areas.
For more information about the Healthy People 2010
Leading Health Indicators