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Community Genetics Forum

Sketch, people around a table
The Community Genetics Forum is held annually and is sponsored by the Education and Community Involvement Branch (ECIB) at the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI). The overall goal of each forum is to develop models of community engagement or to enhance existing models (i.e. previous forums or other community engagement projects) of public engagement and public participation within the geographic communities targeted for the project. It is also a goal to develop and evaluate genetics education and public participation supportive materials for the community that can be adapted by others wishing to plan, develop, implement and evaluate a public genetics forum with community engagement in their respective communities.

Each year, ECIB selects a different region of the country to host the forum. In May 2005, the University of Washington was selected to host the first forum, representing the Northwest region of the United States. In 2006, ECIB selected the Southeast region of the country to host the forum (Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) regions IV and VI). The University of North Carolina/Duke University was selected.

For the 2007 forum, ECIB selected the Midwest region of the country as host (DHHS regions V and VII [hhs.gov]). The University of Michigan was selected to host the 3rd annual Community Genetics Forum. Five concurrent Forums were held across the Midwest region, in Michigan, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, and Illinois. The five Forums were held Friday, October 12, and were connected to each other via video conferencing. For more information, please visit www.genocommunity.org

Community Genetics Forum 2009

Community Genetics Forum: A Model Community Engagement Program
Selection will be on June 5, 2009

Past Community Genetics Forum Reports

Community Genetics Forum 2007
Community Genetics Forum 2006
Community Genetics Forum 2005

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For questions, please contact:

Sarah Harding, M.P.H.
Community Outreach Analyst
E-mail: sharding@mail.nih.gov
Phone: (301) 594-5957

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Last Updated: May 26, 2009

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See Also:

Community Genetics
Forum 2005

Hosted by the University of Washington

Community Genetics
Forum 2006

Hosted by University of North Carolina and Duke University

On Other Sites
Community Genetics
Forum 2007

GenoCommunity, hosted by the University of Michigan