




August 11th, 2008 by Press Staff

Earns perfect score on ‘Freedom from Foreign Oil’ scorecard

Congressman Jack Kingston (R/GA-1) today was named a “Friend of the American Motorist” by the grassroots free-market group Americans for Prosperity (AFP).  The designation came after the group of nearly 300,000 citizens released its “Freedom from Foreign Oil” scorecard which ranks U.S. Representatives based on their support for – or opposition to – policies that would lower gas and energy prices by increasing American supplies and making domestic production less expensive.

“Advancing policies that limit U.S. energy production and supplies puts our national security in jeopardy and costs American families and businesses dearly,” said AFP President Tim Phillips.  “Expanding American oil and natural gas production is essential to alleviating pain at the pump.  Our ‘Freedom from Foreign Oil’ scorecard shows that Congressman Kingston has a solid and consistent track record as a leader who supports legislation that will decrease our costly and dangerous dependence on foreign oil.”

The “Freedom from Foreign Oil” scorecard ranks lawmakers based on a composite score of eight roll call votes and co-sponsorships of three initiatives that would positively or negatively impact gas and energy prices.  Co-sponsorships of bills that would open America’s domestic energy sources were scored positively, while those that would continue restricting them were scored negatively.

The group ranked all 435 members of Congress and, while Congressman Kingston earned a perfect score, nearly half were named “Friends of Foreign Oil” for their support of policies that continue America’s dependence on foreign oil and hamstring efforts to bring down the price at the pump.

“Fighting high energy prices isn’t a partisan issue – it’s one every American must take up,” Congressman Kingston said.  “I appreciate Americans for Prosperity’s recognition of my efforts to bring relief to hard-working families.  I will continue my work to advocate for producing more American energy as the first step towards bringing down the price at the pump.”

Congressman Kingston has also been a long-time advocate for promoting alternative energy and the conservation of existing supplies.  Since 2005, he has teamed with Representative Eliot Engel, a New York Democrat, to promote bipartisanship on the issue.

“If we truly want to realize our energy independence,” said Congressman Kingston, “we must make exploration part of a three-pronged approach that also increases innovation in alternative energy and promotes conservation of existing supplies.”

Take the “Back to School Energy Survey”

August 6th, 2008 by Legislative Staff

The energy crunch is hurting us all and one area that, at least over the summer, has recieved far too little attention is the impact of high energy prices on schools.

To help give a voice to educators, students, and parents across the nation, the House Committee on Education and Labor Republicans led by Ranking Member Buck McKeon have launched an energy survey.  To help policymakers understand the scope of the problem, Republicans are seeking input from school officials, teachers, families, and communities about how high energy prices will impact the coming school year.

To learn more about the survey, read the press release announcing its launch here.  To take the survey, click below:


Take the Back to School Energy Survey

If you haven’t done so already, click here to take Jack’s energy survey or click here to learn more about Jack’s efforts to realize America’s fuel independence.

Biomass power plant?

August 5th, 2008 by Spokesblogger

The Albany Herald is reporting that Plant Mitchell may convert to biomass (full story here).

Georgia Power, the company the operates the plant, announced the possibility on Friday when it submitted its Diverse Energy Plan to the Georgia Public Service Commission.

Accoring to the article, the plant has 12 million tons of surpluss wood biomass within a 100-mile radius.  If the plan’s approved, it would create up to 75 new jobs in forestry and transportation and would reduce sulfur dioxide and nitrous oxide emissions.  If everything goes according to plan, the new biomass-fired power plant would be up and running within 14 months of April 2010.

This is another example of how Georgians are at the forefront of meeting the challenge to innovate in alternative energy and energy-saving technologies.  Even as Speaker Pelosi refuses to act, we will not be halted.

For more information on what Jack’s doing to help realize America’s fuel independence, click here.


August 4th, 2008 by Spokesblogger

On Friday August 1, 2008, at 11:23 a.m., your Democrat majority in the House of Representatives adjourned the House for five full weeks.

House Republicans believe that Congress should not go on vacation until we take action to lower gas and energy prices for struggling American families.

For the last two months we and our House Republican colleagues have used every tool at our disposal to try and get you and your Democrat majority to vote on legislation to lower gas and energy prices by expanding environmentally sound domestic production of oil and natural gas, improving energy efficiency, and encouraging the development of alternative energy technologies.

Many of the proposals we have asked you and your Democrat majority to allow us to vote on are bipartisan proposals that we believe would enjoy the support of a majority of the Members of the Congress. Yet because you and your Democrat Leadership personally oppose these proposals, you are not allowing them to come up for a vote.  This past Sunday, you even told George Stephanopoulos that you will never allow this vote to occur (see transcript on the reverse).

In protest of you and your Democrat majority not allowing an up or down vote on producing more American energy, we and our House Republican colleagues were prepared to take to the floor on Friday, August 1, 2008, and speak to the nation. Rather than allowing that to happen you and your Democrat majority adjourned the House, turned off the television cameras, shut off the microphones and turned out the lights. Nearly 50 House Republicans remained on the floor of the House in defiance speaking to those citizens gathered in the galleries and to the media.

Today we have again returned to the Capitol to continue speaking to the thousands of Americans from all across our country who are visiting the Capitol. We would have preferred if instead we were joined by our colleagues to have a true debate on this issue that ended in an up or down vote.�

We think it is unconscionable that Congress has gone on vacation before we have addressed the high gas prices that are crippling our economy and hurting millions of families.  We are asking that you reconvene the House from your five-week vacation and schedule a vote on legislation to increase American energy production. Let us be clear, we are not asking for a guaranteed outcome, just the chance to vote.

Signed by: John Boehner, Republican Leader; Roy Blunt, Republican Whip; Adam Putnam, Republican Conference Chairman; Eric Cantor, Chief Deputy Whip; and Members of the House Republican Conference

Pelosi’s shrinking group of obstructionist friends

July 21st, 2008 by Spokesblogger

Roll Call is reporting that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is open to allowing an amendment that would open American energy resources to drilling when the Senate takes up a bill on speculation this week.  (Full story here)

The question remains - will Speaker Pelosi allow for the same in the House?  So far, House Democrat leaders are so unwilling to allow for votes on opening American energy resources that they’ve completely haulted the appropriations process.

Jack on the Floor

July 17th, 2008 by Legislative Staff

Jack took to the House Floor today to praise House Democrats for finally hearing the call of their constituents and acting on energy legislation.  The only problem, is that their “DRILL NOW” bill does nothing but restate current law and the status quo will do nothing to bring down gas prices.  Not only does today’s bill do nothing to increase supply, it completely ignores the two other necessary components of a sound energy policy - conservation and innovation.

 To view Jack’s speech, click below:

 For more information on Jack’s push to realize America’s fuel independence, click here.

Two editorials of note

July 15th, 2008 by Press Staff

President’s Bush’s announcement yesterday that he was lifting the ban on offshore energy production has placed the ball firmly in Speaker Pelosi and Leader Reid’s court.  They can continue obstructing America’s path toward realizing her fuel independence or allow the democratic process to take place and potentially open our domestic resources.

Two editorial boards succinctly make this point today.

     Congressional Democrats are now the only ones holding up exploration for an estimated 86 billion barrels of American coastal oil.

President Bush yesterday lifted an executive ban on offshore drilling that had been in place since 1990, leaving Congress - whose own longstanding ban is up for renewal later this year - the chance to make a dent in energy prices.

Fat chance of that, though.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi predictably denounced Bush’s move as a giveaway to “big oil” - you know, the folks who pump the oil that heats American homes and powers American cars.  (Click here for the full article)

  •  Wall Street Jounal: ‘Free Our Oil’
    That was House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s catchphrase last week as she continued to grope for an energy policy. One of her ideas was to request “a small drawdown” in the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, no irony intended. At least President Bush has finally called the Speaker’s bluff by rescinding the 1990 executive ban on offshore energy exploration.

With Mr. Bush’s belated decision yesterday, Congress’s moratorium on offshore drilling is now the last major political barrier to increasing domestic oil-and-gas production. Yet Democratic leaders have refused to schedule even a single hearing on the topic. (Click here for full article)


July 15th, 2008 by Legislative Staff

Jack took to the floor this morning to question why House Democrats continue their refusal to debate energy policy on the House floor.  Rather than bring up legislation that could even potentially serve as a vehicle to open up our resources and help drive down the cost of gas, Democrats have derailed the appropriations process and refuse to bring up any legislation that would answer the call of the American people.

In Jack’s speech, he notes that the nay-saying of House Democrats on opening up domestic resources means two things:

  1. Even they admit that there are oil reserves available which we have not yet tapped.
  2. They try to divert attention from that by talking about how long it would take to come up.  Not only are their timetables outrageously inflated but they do not consider that their one-size-fits-all approach of alternative vehicles has done nothing to solve this crisis.

In order to truly solve this energy crisis, we must take a three-legged approach.  First, is conservation - by using less oil we will bring down demand which will force down the cost of oil.  Second, we must explore our own domestic resources - America remains the only country in the world that restricts her domestic energy resources.  Third, we must us innovation to discover and produce more sources of alternative energy.

To view Jack’s speech, click below:

For more information on what Jack’s doing to combat high gas prices or to take his energy survey, click here.


July 14th, 2008 by Spokesblogger

According to the AP:

In another push to deal with soaring gas prices, President Bush on Monday will lift an executive ban on offshore drilling that his stood since his father was president. But the move, by itself, will do nothing unless Congress acts as well.

The president plans to officially lift the ban and then explain his actions in a Rose Garden statement, White House press secretary Dana Perino said.

There are two prohibitions on offshore drilling, one imposed by Congress and another by executive order signed by former President Bush in 1990. The current president, trying to ease market tensions and boost supply, called last month for Congress to lift its prohibition before he did so himself.

But Perino said Bush no longer wants to wait. She pinned blame on the leaders of the Democratic Congress, noting that no action has been taken on this issue.

“They haven’t even held a single hearing,” Perino said. “So we are going to move forward, and hopefully that will spur action by the Congress.”

Asked if Bush’s action alone will lead to more oil drilling, Perino said, “In terms of allowing more exploration to go forward? No, it does not.”

The president, in his final months of office, has responded to record gas-prices with a series of proposals, including more oil exploration. None would have immediate impact on prices at the pump, according to White House officials, who say there is no quick fix. But starting action now would help, they say.

Bush’s proposal echoes a call by Republican presidential candidate, Sen. John McCain, to open the Continental Shelf for exploration.

Congressional Democrats have rejected the push to lift the drilling moratorium, accusing the president of hoping the U.S. can drill its way out a problem. (Source)

President Bush is expected to make the announcement at a 1:30 press conference in the Rose Garden.

Last week, Jack joined many of his colleagues in calling on the President to do just that.  For a copy of the letter, click here.

For those of who may be confused, this blog is not the energy section of Jack’s website.  For a look at Jack’s comprehensive energy position, please click here.

Jack on the Floor - We need bipartisan energy action

June 27th, 2008 by Legislative Staff

Jack took to the floor of the House this week to argue for bipartisan action on energy policy.  Jack and Congressman Eliot (D/NY-17) have been working together for years to bring real reform to our energy crisis.  Their bill, H.R. 670 “The D.R.I.V.E. Act” would provide tax incentives to increase the use and production of alternative fuels and new, more efficient vehicle technology.

To view the clip, click below:

For more information on what Jack’s doing to combat high gas prices, click here.�

Bush to Congress: Open Offshore Resources

June 18th, 2008 by Press Staff

President Bush made this announcement in the Rose Garden.  More to come…

Rasmussen gets it right

June 17th, 2008 by Spokesblogger

A Rasmussen poll released today shows that 67% of Americans favor opening up more of our outercontinental shelf to offshore drililng and that 64% believe it will lower gas prices.

That’s a pretty good indicator of the direction they’d like to see our government move yet, for some reason, it’s fallen on deaf ears here in Congress.  Just yesterday, Congressman John Peterson’s motion to do just this was voted down by Democrats in a subcommittee hearing (release here).

 It’s time to answer the call to open our domestic resources and bring down the price at the pump.  America is the ONLY nation in the world that restricts its domestic energy resources.  While we can’t drill our way out of this problem, we’ve got to start somewhere.

To see more about what Jack’s doing on energy prices, click here.  If you haven’t done so already, take Jack’s energy survey to show him what you’re willing to do to lower gas prices.

The way out of the energy crunch

June 14th, 2008 by Press Staff

In today’s Wall Street Journal, Jonathon Lesser puts it plainly, “to lower gasoline prices permanently, you can reduce demand, increase supply, or do both.”

Sounds pretty logical right?  The problem is that Congressional Democrats don’t seem to understand this fact.  They refuse to increase domestic supply by drilling in ANWR or off shore and their only idea thus far to combat the high price we pay at the pump is a “windfall” profit tax on oil companies.

Sure, oil companies have a lower approval rating than Congress itself so they’re a pretty easy target.  There are just a few glaring issues with this rationale.  First, any American with a retirement plan or investments in a mutual fund is more than likely a stock holder in one of these companies.  Second, these profits are what funds the exploration and research that could prove to be a market-based way out of this crisis.  Finally, as Lesser points out, “unfortunately, by reducing supplies, a windfall profits tax will only lead to even higher prices.”

With Speaker Pelosi and congressional Democrats blocking all the other alternatives, what’s Lesser’s proposal?  Rationing:

“The next obvious step for our solons is to cap demand by rationing gasoline, and then gradually reduce the quantity of ration coupons.

“‘Trading’ in coupons would be encouraged to ensure gasoline is allocated to uses of only the highest value. So Congress could reserve quantities of ration coupons for key lobbyists and their clients. Environmentalists could buy up coupons and “retire” them, lowering gasoline sales even more. Refineries could continue to produce gasoline, but as consumer demand would be sharply limited (and declining), oil companies would be forced to reduce the prices they charge. No more windfall profits! And lower carbon emissions!

“For legislators and environmentalists – if not average citizens – this plan has other virtues: As ration coupons are reduced, consumers would increasingly clamor for more electric cars, cars that ran on French-fry oil, and ‘flex-fuel’ cars that burn everything from gasoline to garbage. Eventually, gasoline could just be banned, reducing prices to zero and eliminating all ill-gotten profits.

“And if Congress then had to tackle French-fry oil speculators and impose a windfall profits tax on Big Spud, well why not?”

Sounds bizarre right?  What Lesser does a good job of pointing out, however satirically, is that if Democrats are blocking the most logically solutions to our problem we’re just going to have to start thinking outside the box.

To weigh in with your thoughts on how to lower gas prices, take Jack’s energy survey by clicking here.

To read Lesser’s full article, click here.

Jack on the Floor - Business Card on a Basketball Court

June 12th, 2008 by Legislative Staff

As you may remember, the Kingston interns developed this visual aid to remind everyone that, if ANWR were the size of a basketball court, the area reserved for drilling would be the size of a business card.  (For the full blog post with all the visual aids, click here)

 Jack took to the floor to drive home this message and remind Americans just what the extremists are blocking us from doing - realizing our Nation’s energy independence.

To see Jack’s speech, click below.