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NEPA Subjects
Applying NEPA
Built Environment
Case Law
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Public Outreach

The Purpose of this page is to provide you with NEPA-related policy and guidance documents produced by the Army, the other Services, Department of Defense, and other Federal Agencies. We hope you find these links and information valuable to you. Contact us if you know other resources or links that would contribute to the general pool of knowledge about NEPA.

top of pageApplying NEPA
Collaboration in NEPA, A Handbook for NEPA Practitioners
This document introduces the NEPA practitioner and other interested parties to the issue of collaboration, outlines general principles, presents useful steps, and provides information on methods of collaboration.
Congressional Research Service Reports
Council on Environmental Quality
Council on Environmental Quality (States planning requirements similar to NEPA.)
Council on Environmental Quality - NEPA regulations
EPA, Submitting Environmental Impact Statements
EPA, Information Resources
EPA, Policies and Guidance
top of pageBuilt Environment
AR 55-80, DoD Transportation Engineering Program
Federal Highway Administration
Federal Highway Administration (Planning, Environment & Realty)
Federal Railroad Administration
Federal Transit Administration
National Park Service
Department of the Interior
US Army Sustainability (Note this link contains information on ACUBs)
Surface Transportation Board
top of pageCase Law
Council on Environmental Quality
National Case Law references
top of pageCultural Resources
Advisory Council on Historic Preservation
National Park Service - National NAGPRA
Federal Highway Administration - Historic Preservation
National Register of Historic Places
National Conference of State Historic Preservation Officers
National Trust for Historic Preservation
top of pageCumulative Effects
Federal Highway Administration
Department of the Interior - Minerals Management Service
top of pageEnvironmental Justice
EPA, Environmental Justice
top of pageEnvironmental Media
Federal Highway Administration (Planning, Environment & Realty)
Federal Highway Administration - Environmental Guidebook
top of pageNatural Resources
Bureau of Land Management
Department of the Interior
FedCenter.gov - Natural Resources Program Area
Fish and Wildlife Service
Forest Service
Geological Survey
National Biological Information Infrastructure
National Park Service
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Wetlands Inventory
National Wetlands Mitigation Action Plan
CWA Section 404 Mitigation Guidance Directory: http://www.mitigationactionplan.gov/links.html
top of pageNoise
Federal Aviation Administration
Federal Highway Administration - Noise
top of pagePublic Outreach
Federal Communicators Network
USEPA - Public Involvement

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