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On February 9, 2009 Congress passed with my vote the Digital Television Delay Act, which delayed the digital television transition until June 12, 2009.  On that date, full-power television stations will be required to stop broadcasting in analog format and begin digital service.

This delay gives many Americans the time needed to prepare for the transition and prevent the loss of a key communication tool. The new law also provides additional funding for digital-to-analog converter box coupons so Americans will not have to pay extravagant out-of-pocket expenses to make their televisions digital ready. Under the DTV Delay Act, if a coupon has already been issued but has expired, a replacement coupon can be requested but must be used within the 90-day deadline after it is issued.

The DTV transition brings several benefits to Americans. Digital signal means clearer images, and enhanced sound quality. Also, broadcasting in digital format frees up airwaves for our police, firemen, and emergency services personnel, as recommended by the 9/11 Commission.