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U.S. Senator Jim DeMint
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DeMint Passes Amendment to Ensure Border Fence Completion
07/09/2009 - 04:54:23 PM
Following the passage of Sen. DeMint's amendment requiring the completion of 700 miles of double-layer physical fencing along the U.S.-Mexico border by December 31, 2010, border security advocates have voiced their support for the provision to survive conference. DeMint's amendment makes changes to the FY2010 Department of Homeland Security Appropriations bill, versions of which each passed the Senate and House and now go to conference before being sent to President Obama's desk.

Sen. DeMint's amendment follows through on the three-year-old promise made by Congress to secure the border under the Secure Fence Act of 2006. To date, only a fraction of the promised double-layered physical fence has been erected. Recently, the president discussed the importance of a "long-term solution with respect to future flows of illegal immigration." As DeMint's amendment makes clear, vehicle barriers and unproven high-tech equipment are not long-term viable solutions and do not fulfill the requirements of the Secure Fence Act. The senator's amendment holds Congress and DHS Secretary Napolitano accountable for previously passed legislation.

As the appropriations bill moves to conference, Democrats must choose between kowtowing to the open borders radicals in their party or honoring the bipartisan support shown yesterday in the Senate in support of completing the border fence in full, as mandated three years ago. DeMint's amendment was approved in a 54-44 vote, with 21 Democrats joining 33 Republicans in support of the measure.

“Our southern border has become a battleground for illegal immigration, drug trafficking, and human trafficking, and it’s vulnerable to terrorists," Sen. DeMint said following the vote. "Unfortunately, our government has dragged its feet for years and tried to use untested and unsecure ‘virtual’ fencing instead of actual, physical fencing. Our first priority must be national security, and we can only achieve that goal with secure borders. I’m pleased with the strong bipartisan vote in favor of a finishing a real border fence next year. I will work to ensure no one cuts or weakens this important provision in conference.”

If the bill is signed into law, Secretary Napolitano will be required to submit a report to Congress by September 30, 2009 on the progress made and her plans for completing the fence by December 31, 2010.
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