Press Releases

For Immediate Release
April 5, 2008
Contact: Judith Kargbo
(202) 225-3816


Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee Celebrates Mass Service at the Co- Cathedral of the Sacred Heart

“The Co-Cathedral is a True Work of Art and a Massive Testament to The Ever Growing Catholic Community in the City of Houston”


Houston, Texas- Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee attended Mass at the recently opened Co-Cathedral of the Sacred Heart on April 6, 2008 at the 11am church service. Congresswoman Jackson Lee released the following statement recognizing the importance of the newly built facility that will serve many of her constituents. 

“It is an honor to recognize the historic value that comes with the opening of the Co-Cathedral of the Sacred Heart,” stated Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee.  “The Co-cathedral is a true work of art and a massive testament to the ever growing Catholic community in the city of Houston. The $49 million Co- Cathedral is close to 28,000-square-feet and seats an estimated 2,000 people.”

“I have worked very closely along side the Catholic community on issues such as immigration, healthcare and interfaith relations within the city of Houston. As the Catholic faith continues to spread in Houston, I will graciously and openly work along side my constituents, as this city continues to grow and strengthen in our faith. I also will continue to look the Co-Cathedral of the Sacred Heart as a symbolic piece of inspiration and a wonderful reminder of the spirit and strength of Houston,” concluded Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee.


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