



What Does Today Mean? The Stakes

November 7th, 2006 by Wikibill

What does today mean and does it really matter?  To find the answer you might want to consider turning off the talking heads and dueling polls of the MSM and turn on the voice of terrorists around the world - Al Jazeera.  In a Halloween special with Hizbullah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah, the Lebanese terrorist-in-chief continued his media battle for the hearts and minds of both his own people and ours:

 “When we were young boys . . . I cannot forget the sight of the American forces leaving Vietnam in helicopters”

It seems a safe bet that the subtlety of the Democrats’ planned ‘redeployment’ as a strategy to win the War on Terror may be lost on our enemy.

Just listen to how terrorists viewed the ‘redeployment’ of Israeli forces from southern Lebanon in 2000 - “For six years, we were preparing . . . or rather, anticipating a war some day - a vicious, large-scale, and dangerous war, knowing that the Israeli enemy would not keep silent after its defeat in 2000.”

Translation - when you lose we will move in tens of thousands of missiles and prepare to bring the war to you.  Aside - even if the U.N. sends in ‘peacekeepers’ we will still move in tens of thousands of missiles under their noses.

Nasrallah’s message to the people of the Middle East, which is the same message as Bin Laden, the same message as Al Qaeda, the same message as Saddam, is this: “I advise all of those who place their trust in the Americans to learn the lesson of Vietnam and to learn the lesson of the South Lebanese Army with the Israelis, and to know that when the Americans lose this war - and lose it they will, Allah willing - they will abandon them to their fate, just like they did to all those who placed their trust in them throughout history.”

We know President Bush and the Republican Congress’s plan for victory in Iraq - stay on the offensive and help build a stable government that can defend and sustain itself, after we defeat the terrorist together.  But what do we know of the Democrats’ plan and does Nasrallah have reason for his confidence?

Michael Kinsley put his fear (and mine) on paper in today’s Washington Post

 “For national security in general, the Democrats’ plan is so according-to-type that you cringe with embarrassment:  It’s mostly about new cash benefits for veterans.  Regarding Iraq specifically, the Democrats’ plan has two parts.  First, they want Iraqis to take on ‘primary responsibility for securing and governing their country.’ Then they want ‘responsible redeployment’ (great euphemism) of American forces.  Older readers may recognize this formula.  It’s Vietnamization - the Nixon-Kissinger plan for extracting us from a previous mistake.  But Vietnamization was not a plan for victory.  It was a plan for what was called ‘peace with honor’ and is now known as ‘defeat.’”

Defeat in this war is not an opition.