Conference Topic Areas

Consumer Health Information

The conference will focus on health information that helps individuals stay healthy, participate responsibly in medical care decisions for themselves or their families, and make smart consumer choices among health care providers. Interest in such information comes not only from consumers themselves but from the health care and health policy areas as well, because of the potential for reducing health care costs. At the same time, a wide variety of community-based organizations-including libraries- are increasingly called on to provide local health information support systems.

New Technology

Exciting developments in interactive, networked technology suggest opportunities for more effective health communication. As a result, traditional providers of consumer health information are looking at new media approaches, while advanced communication technology companies are exploring health as a content area for their products and services.

Potential Partnerships

The conference will be the first opportunity for the full range of interested parties to jointly explore the apparent potential of network technologies and consumer health information applications, identify problems and issues needing further clarification, and begin to define their respective roles.
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