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Science at it’s best: Discovery to solution

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Our Name

During World War II, all that the outside world knew of Los Alamos and its top-secret laboratory was the mailing address—P. O. Box 1663, Santa Fe, New Mexico. That box number, still part of our address, symbolizes our historic role in the nation's service.

lab photo

Located on the high mesas of northern New Mexico, Los Alamos National Laboratory was founded in 1943 to build the first atomic bomb. It remains a premier scientific laboratory dedicated to national security in its broadest sense.

Science at it’s best: Discovery to solution
Our Stories

1663 presents some of the most significant research initiatives and accomplishments of the Laboratory to a diverse audience. The articles cover topics from the entire portfolio of national-security-related programs, as well as from the discretionary research projects that advance the frontiers of basic science.


We welcome feedback.
Write to us at 1663magazine@lanl.gov.

Science at it’s best: Discovery to solution
Science Publications

Operated by Los Alamos National Security, LLC for the U.S. Department of Energy's NNSA

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