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Social & Traditional Values

Our country has been blessed with greatness because it was founded upon sound principles by people of strong moral character. If we as a nation are to continue to progress, we cannot allow our fundamental values to erode. Congressman Lamborn is committed to protecting human life at all stages, defending religious freedom, keeping our children safe, and providing tax incentives to strengthen American families.

Human life begins at fertilization and should end in natural death. Congressman Lamborn’s legislative record reflects his unwavering dedication to protecting the sanctity of human life from the unborn to the elderly, the terminally ill, and all whose lives are threatened by euthanasia.

During the first session of the 110th Congress, he cosponsored several pieces of legislation including the Right to Life Act, the Parental Notification and Intervention Act of 2007, and the Alternative Pluripotent Stem Cell Therapies Enhancement Act of 2007 to promote a culture of life.

A member of the Constitution Caucus, Congressman Lamborn believes that the Constitution specifically protects the freedom of American citizens to openly practice and celebrate religion. The purpose of the Constitution and First Amendment was not to defend government from religion, but rather to defend religion from interference by government. Congressman Lamborn cosponsored the Public Prayer Protection Act of 2007 and will continue efforts to protect our religious freedom from liberal judges who seek to redefine the laws they have sworn to uphold.

The Internet has simplified many daily activities and has facilitated unparalleled levels of communication. Unfortunately, there are those who use this valuable tool to prey upon our children. The innocence of our children must be protected from predators and obscene material. Congressman Lamborn recognizes this threat and cosponsored The Deleting Online Predators Act of 2007, which seeks to make the Internet safer for our children.

To further his efforts to protect our core conservative family values, Congressman Lamborn is an active member of the Republican Study Committee, a Congressional organization committed to conservative principles in government.

Additionally, Congressman Lamborn is a member of the Values Action Team and the Pro-Life Caucus. Through these organizations he legislatively promotes the protection of life, advances pro-family tax bills (such as marriage tax penalty relief, death tax elimination, education savings accounts, adoption tax credit, parent tax credit), fights to improve our education system through school choice, advocates prohibition of Internet child pornography, and seeks harsher penalties for child predators.

Below is a list of some of the legislative actions Congressman Lamborn has taken to defend traditional values.

111th Congress Information Coming Soon!

Major Legislative Actions from the 110th Congress

Sponsored Legislation

H.R. 6453- Schoolchildren's Health Protection Act- to amend the General Education Provisions Act to prohibit Federal education funding for elementary and secondary schools that provide access to emergency postcoital contraception, such as the morning after pill, which is capable of and used for a chemical abortion

Cosponsored Legislation on Protecting Human Life

Supported Legislation

  • H.R. 63 - RU-486 Suspension and Review Act of 2007
  • H.R. 223 - Informed Choice Act

Letters Signed by Congressman Doug Lamborn Protecting Human Life

  • June 11, 2007 – Letter to Energy & Commerce Committee on Title V abstinence education funding.
  • May 10, 2007 – Letter to Judiciary Committee on holdings hearings on Right to Life legislation.
  • April 27, 2007 – Letter to Appropriations Committee for increased funding for Community Based Abstinence Education funding.
  • February 7, 2007 – Letter in Support for Portugal’s current abortion related laws.

Cosponsored Legislation on Protecting Values

  • H.R.2104 -- Public Prayer Protection Act of 2007
  • H.R.1735 -- Clay Moore Kidnaping Prevention Act of 2007
  • H.R.699 -- Pledge Protection Act of 2007
  • H.R.367 -- Gang Elimination Act of 2007
  • H.RES.179 -- Expressing support for a National Foster Parents Day
  • H.R.2084 -- Family Budget Protection Act of 2007
  • H.RES.268 -- Supporting responsible fatherhood
  • H.R.471 -- Adoption Tax Relief Guarantee Act of 2007
  • H.R.1120 – Deleting Online Predators Act of 2007