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Pinon Canyon in the News

Wall Street Journal

The Army Will Buy Land Only From Willing Sellers
Letter to the Editor July 7, 2009
By Congressman Doug Lamborn (CO-05)
From the Letter: “…in a response letter I received from Keith Eastin, assistant secretary of the Army (Installations and Environment), dated April 27, 2009, he wrote, "I have testified that condemnation/eminent domain will not be used to acquire or lease land at PCMS. The Army will only deal with willing sellers."
Please click here for letter. 

Denver Post

Salazar Eases Pinon Stand
A ban on Army growth was unlikely, and other limits are in place. 

By Michael Riley 
From the article: Rep. Doug Lamborn, R-Colorado Springs, described the amendment - which was carried at Salazar's behest by a fellow Democrat on the House Armed Services Committee - as "aimed at blocking the Army's efforts to expand the Pinon Canyon Maneuver Site." Lamborn led the effort to defeat the amendment, eventually persuading several committee Democrats to go along. 

Please click here for full article. 


Associated Press
Pinon Canyon backers say adverse measure killed 
From the article: "I believe that people should not be able to veto another person's use of their own private property," Lamborn said.

Please click here for full article.

Colorado Springs Gazette

OPINION: Politicians snub Army 
June 17, 2009 - 7:23 PM - Colorado Springs Gazette
From the article: The Army's desire to expand Pinon Canyon was understandably controversial when eminent domain was an option to force ranchers to part with land. But Army officials long ago took that option off the table, saying they would acquire land only from willing sellers.
Please click here for full op-ed. 
Pueblo Chieftain

Rep. Lamborn prevents Pinon expansion halt
But Rep. John Salazar gets money moratorium for project into the defense authorization bill.
From the article: There was a showdown in the House Armed Services Committee late Tuesday night and Rep. Doug Lamborn, R-Colo., prevailed in stopping an amendment that would have shut down the Army's effort to expand the Pinon Canyon Maneuver Site. 

Please click here for full article. 

5280 Magazine
Why John Salazar Is Backing Off the Army

For a few weeks, it seemed the Army's plans to expand the Pinon Canyon Maneuver Site were dead at every turn. Governor Bill Ritter signed a bill that impedes Fort Carson's controversial plans to grow the training grounds in southeast Colorado, and the Army announced it would not add another brigade to the post, as The Colorado Statesman noted earlier this month. But now there's a new twist to the drama.

Please click here for full article.