Climate change redux

As I have noted earlier, I will occasionally use this blog to clarify misinterpretations of our work. On that note, some recent blog postings seem to warrant a clarification of the main points in CBO’s study, Policy Options for Reducing CO2 Emissions, regarding what policy analysis has to say about the trade-off among different policies to reduce carbon emissions.

CBO’s study evaluated a variety of incentive-based approaches—including taxes on carbon dioxide emissions and several variants of cap-and-trade programs—that policymakers might use to achieve long-term emission reduction targets. Key conclusions include:

  • Policies that keep emission reductions on a downward trajectory—but allow firms’ emission reduction efforts to vary from year to year—can achieve equivalent benefits at significantly lower economic costs than policies that impose less flexible annual emission caps.
  • Policies that allow emissions to vary from year to year do not necessarily imply weak long-term emission reduction targets. Flexible policies can be designed to achieve either modest or ambitious long-term targets. Indeed, flexibility from year to year in emission reductions reduces the cost of achieving a given long-term target and may therefore facilitate stricter long-term targets than would otherwise be feasible.
  • A cap-and-trade program that included both a ceiling and a floor on the price of allowances or an emissions tax would be the most cost-effective policies.
  • Allowing firms to bank or borrow emission allowances would be more efficient than less flexible cap-and-trade designs, but would offer less cost savings than other approaches.

The Value of Allowing Year-to-Year Flexibility in Emissions. Limiting future changes in the earth’s climate requires restricting the stock of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, but the year-to-year path of emissions reductions is relatively unimportant. For example, a policy that required firms to reduce emissions by 10 tons each year for 20 years would yield roughly the same ultimate environmental benefits as a policy that achieved the same 200 ton reduction in a 20-year period, but allowed firms to reduce their emissions by more than 10 tons in some years and less than 10 tons in other years. Yet flexibility with regard to the year-to-year path of emissions reductions can significantly reduce the economic costs involved, because in some years it can turn out to be substantially less expensive to reduce emissions than in others (for example, due to weather, conditions in energy markets, economic activity, and the availability of technologies at different points in time). As a result, flexible policies have the potential to achieve the same environmental benefits at a lower economic cost. (In contrast, an efficient approach to controlling a toxic pollutant might provide firms with little or no flexibility to shift emission reductions across time periods because variations in emissions at any given point in time can lead to large differences in environmental harm.)

How much can providing year-to-year flexibility in emission reductions reduce cost? Analysts conclude that providing flexibility in the year-to-year path of emissions would offer large cost savings by allowing firms to make greater cuts in emissions when costs are low and fewer when costs are high. Leading researchers have concluded that a rising tax (which would provide the most flexibility about how emission reductions could be allocated across time) would be roughly five times more efficient than a declining cap that did not offer any year-to-year flexibility. (As described below, flexible cap designs are possible that approach the efficiency of a tax. Either would be more efficient than an inflexible cap.) Researchers have found this conclusion to be robust even when they altered important assumptions, such as the form of cost uncertainty, the degree to which costs are correlated across time, and the period of time over which the choice of policy instrument could not be altered (1 year, 10 years, or 100 years).1

Year-to-Year Emission Fluctuations and Tipping Points. Some analysts believe that studies concluding that flexible policies are more efficient than inflexible ones fail to account for the potential existence of “tipping points” (critical temperature increases beyond which there could be sharp increases in the damage from climate change). Examples of tipping points are temperature increases that might lead to the melting of the West Antarctic ice sheet—triggering a large rise in sea level—or a shut-down of an important circulation pattern in the Atlantic Ocean. This assertion, however, is unfounded. Specifically, researchers find that the potential existence of tipping points (also referred to as thresholds, or “kinks” in the damage function) will not justify an inflexible policy unless there is certainty about where the kink is located and the threshold is sufficiently near to current concentration levels that policymakers would want to virtually shut down emissions—regardless of the cost—to avoid, or delay, crossing it.2 Although there is a genuine concern about the existence of tipping points, there is a great deal of uncertainty about what temperature increases will trigger them, as well as basic uncertainty about the relationship between annual emission flows and future temperature changes.3 In its most recent report, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change concluded that there has been “little advance on…the proximity to thresholds and tipping points.” (p. 77) In addition, uncertainty about abrupt changes and the process that would lead up to them were featured in the report’s description of the two most important climate-science-related needs.4 Despite that uncertainty about the potential damage from climate change and the proximity of the current global temperature to tipping points, most analyses suggest that a carefully designed program to begin lowering emissions of carbon dioxide would produce greater benefits than costs. Reducing the risk of triggering large damages will require substantially reducing the flow of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

Allowing Year-to-Year Flexibility in Emission Reductions Need Not Imply Weak Policies. Taxes, inflexible caps, or flexible caps can all be designed to achieve either modest or ambitious multiyear emission reduction targets. Regardless of the target, however, the cost of achieving it will be far less if firms are given flexibility as to how reductions can fluctuate from year to year (while maintaining the necessary downward trend) than if they are not given such flexibility.

The Choice is Not Between Taxes and Inflexible Caps: Cap-and-Trade Programs Can Offer Varying Degrees of Flexibility. Policymakers can provide firms leeway in annual emission reductions in a variety of ways while ensuring that total emissions follow a desired long-term trajectory. Rising taxes are one method. Tax rates would need to be adjusted over time if they failed to induce the desired cumulative reduction in emissions over multiple years. Alternatively, a cap-and-trade program that included both a price floor and a price ceiling could achieve much of the efficiency advantages of a tax. The rate at which the cap declines—and that the price floor and ceiling increase—could be set to aim for a cumulative long-term emission reduction target. The policy could include provisions that would trigger a more rapid rise in the price floor and ceiling if it was failing to provide the desired cumulative emission reductions over a multiyear period. Finally, allowing firms to bank and borrow allowances can help reduce the cost of achieving a long-term emission reduction target relative to a system of inflexible annual caps. Those provisions, however, are unlikely to provide cost savings as substantial as those that might result from the alternative approaches.

[1] For example, see Willam A. Pizer, “Combining Price and Quantity Controls to Mitigate Global Climate Change,” Journal of Public Economics 85 (2002) pp. 409-434; Richard G. Newell and William A. Pizer, “Regulating Stock Externalities Under Uncertainty” Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 45 (2003) pp. 416-432; Michael Hoel and Larry Karp, “Taxes and Quotas for a Stock Pollutant with Multiplicative Uncertainty,” Journal of Public Economics 83 (2001) pp. 91-114.

[2] See William A. Pizer, Climate Change Catastrophes, Resources for the Future Discussion Paper (May 2003); Willam A. Pizer, “Combining Price and Quantity Controls to Mitigate Global Climate Change,” Journal of Public Economics 85 (2002) pp. 409-434.

[3] For example, see Stephen H. Schneider and others, “An Overview of Dangerous Climate Change” in Avoiding Dangerous Climate Change, edited by Hans Joachim Schellnhuber and others, (Cambridge University Press, 2006).

[4] See Technical Summary of Working Group II of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, pp. 77-78, available at