



National Journal’s “Hotline On Call” On Kingston.

March 31st, 2006 by Press Staff

The National Journal’s political blog, Hotline On Call, has an interesting post on Congressman Kingston’s utilization of new media strategies to help reach a new audience.

If there is another Member that is taking better advantage of all that the “New Media” has to offer than Rep. Jack Kingston (R-GA), we’d like to know who it is.

Not only does Kingston have his own blog, he also podcasts (check out the shameless iPod knock-off on the latter). What’s more, the House GOP Conference vice chair has been instrumental in pushing others in the Conference toward embracing bloggers as a way of getting their message out sans filter. Just this week, Kingston hosted a discussion with bloggers representing three high-traffic conservative sites.

A member of the class of ‘92, Kingston has generally been a conservative team player in the House, rising in the ranks on Approps to secure a seat on its Defense Subcommittee from which he can channel funds back to his military-heavy South Georgia district. [Full Story Here]

While we always appreciate the shout-out for the efforts, it should be pointed out that Congressman Kingston has embraced, and will continue to explore new media technologies to help House Republicans articulate our message and reach out to new audiences.

Technical Difficulties

March 31st, 2006 by Press Staff

Sorry about the down time folks - we had some server issues on this end.

Cindy Sheehan IS A “Nutcase”

March 31st, 2006 by Press Staff
UPDATE: Congressman Kingston Issues Apology To Ms. Sheehan.
If you are new to this blog - please take a moment to read this.

In today�s CongressDailyAM (full story after the jump due to subscription), Sue Davis reports that Congressman Kingston got into a �discussion� yesterday in a closed-door meeting with two liberal Democrats regarding anti-war beatnik, Cindy Sheehan.

A closed hearing of the House Defense Appropriations Subcommittee turned contentious Thursday as Rep. Jack Kingston, R-Ga., Subcommittee ranking member Jack Murtha, D-Pa., and others sparred over the meaning of anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan, heroes and military service.

According to one Democratic source present at the hearing, Kingston commented that Sheehan was �a nutcase� and lamented that too many of the human interest stories coming out of the war in Iraq center on anti-war activists like Sheehan and filmmaker Michael Moore and do not give proper service to heroic tales of U.S. soldiers.

“Who would argue that Cindy Sheehan’s son is not a hero? I mean, come on,” he said, chalking the exchange up to election-year politics.

“I think she is a very flaky woman,” Kingston told CongressDaily. “I think we need more heroes. The only people that get press are people like Moore and Sheehan.”

Cindy Sheehan is a nutcase. In fact, you may remember Cindy Sheehan from her recent trip to Venezuela for the World Social Forum where she met with Venezuela�s anti-American leftist president, Hugo Chavez (pictured above).

Or you may recall how she refers to the terrorists who are killing American soldiers in Iraq as “freedom fighters.” Check out this story by WorldNetDaily for more. The problem is that what Howard Dean famously termed the “democratic wing of the Democratic Party” has now completely taken over.

This is not the first time Congressman Kingston has disagreed with the liberal Democratic “cut-n-run” Caucus (of which Jack Murtha is leading in the House).

In fact, in December 2005, Mr. Kingston wrote an editorial for the Washington Times where he said:

The realization that the radical left has completely hijacked the Democratic Party boiled over when Democratic Rep. Jack Murtha, a well-known defense hawk who serves on the same congressional defense spending panel as I do, called for our troops in the field to admit defeat and cut and run. In fact, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi has already wrapped her arms around the cut-and-run proposal.

This is the latest example of a party which has been overcome by antiwar extremists, providing daily fodder to international media outlets like Al Jazeera, which emboldens our enemies and sends a defeatist message to our troops.

The Democrats, nationally, have embraced a new strategy for the war on terrorism: Lose, leave and wait. Democrats want to admit defeat, dishonoring the sacrifices of our soldiers. They want us to leave by cutting and running, signaling to the world that the United States no longer stands for freedom, democracy and the defense of human rights in the face of terrorism. And instead, Democrats prefer the French model - to wait for the terrorists to bring murder and destruction to the homefront.

Georgia’s First Congressional District is home to well over 20,000 soldiers and includes five major military installations (more than any other Congressional District in the country).

This past Saturday, Congressman Kingston was pleased to spend the day at a Welcome Home Celebration where up to 20,000 soldiers of the Third Infantry Division and their families gathered at Fort Stewart after spending the past year deployed in Iraq.

Of the soldiers Congressman Kingston said, They have made our world safer and they’ve made a lot of progress in Iraq. So this is about soldiers.

Congressman Kingston has visited Iraq twice, most recently in November as part of a bipartisan CODEL.

While in Baghdad, the Congressman spent time with many of the soldiers who are also his constituents. Soldier after soldier said their spirits were high, but that they couldn�t understand why the media would only report the negative news of the war.

Always skeptical of the MSM, Congressman Kingston worked with the Media Research Center to distribute a letter and report to every Republican in Congress outlining his thoughts.

Here’s the text of the letter:

This past week I traveled to Iraq as part of a bipartisan delegation to gauge the morale of our troops, talk with the officers and soldiers about the war, and witness the progress in Iraq and that of the Iraqi people. The bottom line: The war in Iraq is a much different war than the one we read about in the major media everyday. Progress is being made.

As you may have read in Tuesday’s Washington Times, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said, “We’ve arrived at a strange time in this country, where the worst about America and our military seems to so quickly be taken as truth by the press and reported and spread around the world.” He continued, saying the reporting is “often with little context and little scrutiny, let alone correction or accountability after the fact.”

Attached is a report prepared by the Media Research Center, which studied the networks’ coverage of the war in Iraq in 2005 and found that, in fact, the networks HAVE BEEN biased.

For instance, the data show that the coverage has been: Overwhelmingly pessimistic; Increasingly negative over time; Highlighting terrorist attacks as centerpieces of the nightly news; Downbeat on the Iraqi political process; and Included only eight stories of heroism or valor by U.S. troops � out of 1,388 news reports!

This new study confirms what our troops told me in Iraq, that they wondered why only the bad news seemed to be getting reported to Americans through the media.

Journalists have an obligation and responsibility to report in a fair and balanced manner. Unfortunately, for our troops and the story about the war in Iraq, that is not happening.

Our nation’s media can do better.

Congressman Kingston will continue to stand-up to the angry liberals in Congress and Hollywood who continue to incite America�s enemies and hurt the morale of our troops in harms way.

UPDATE: Mark Kilmer blogged about this issue at RedState. Thx Mark. Congressman Kingston Issues Apology To Ms. Sheehan.

A Victory For Academic Freedom

March 30th, 2006 by Jack

Subscribe to The JackCast to download the podcast of this issue to your MP3 player. Visit this page to download the clip individually.


As the son of college professors and the father of four students who are either still in college or will be going in the very near future, my ears always perk up when Congress talks about higher education.

I�m sure some of you are walking in my shoes and are used to hearing college students talk about these issues: the key decision of what sorority or fraternity to join, what time to start tailgating before the football game (Go Dawgs!), how bad the food is at the dorm cafeteria, homework, and others. However, one thing that I never expected to hear was students being �punished� by professors for their political beliefs.

For example, the Young America�s Foundation noted that John Daly, a professor at the Warren County Community College sent a threatening email to a student promising �to expose her right-wing, anti-people politics until groups like [hers] won�t dare show their face on a college campus.� As if that wasn�t enough, Daly continued by saying that �Real freedom will come when soldiers in Iraq turn their guns on their superiors.�

John Daly resigned his post and that�s good news for New Jersey students. However, this example is indicative of a nationwide problem.

In fact, a study of liberals and conservatives on college campuses found that the overall ratio of Democrats to Republicans at the 32 schools studied was more than 10 to 1 (1397 Democrats, 134 Republicans).

The learning environment on campuses throughout America is not fair and balanced.

Today, I�m pleased to report that Congress went on record to support legislation containing the Academic Bill of Rights, which will help level the ideological playing field and take the personal politics of liberal professors out of the classroom.

That bill, the College Access & Opportunity Act (H.R. 609), passed the House of Representatives tonight by a vote of 221-199. I was proud to support it.

Though today�s victory is sweet, the road to get here has required a number of key players.

The father of the Academic Bill of Rights is my friend, David Horowitz, the president of the Center for the Study of Popular Culture. He brought this issue to me a few years ago and has really put the ball in play on this issue.

Check out his testimony before the Appropriations Committee of the Kansas legislature where he discussed the importance of the Academic Bill of Rights:

The intellectual corruption of our universities by political radicals has been proceeding without interruption since the Vietnam War. This political movement in the academic world didn�t get into high gear until the 1980s, when the Sixties generation attained tenure rank and with it institutional power in the universities. But it has now become a pervasive and destructive fact of our national life. Entire academic departments and fields are no longer devoted to scholarly pursuits, but have become ideological training and recruitment centers for radical causes.

Educational institutions are the cornerstones of our democracy. This is particularly so in the present historical juncture when we are engaged in a war with totalitarian enemies that seek to destroy us. Teaching the next generations the principles of our system, and developing in them the ability to reason and think for themselves are agendas crucial to the health and survival of our nation. This knowledge and these abilities are the fundamental prerequisites of a democratic culture. And they are in danger in our country today.

Majority Leader John Boehner of Ohio and Education and the Workforce Chairman Howard �Buck� McKeon of California also deserve a lot of credit for this victory.

As then-Chairman of the Education and the Workforce Committee, John worked closely with David Horowitz and the academic community to make sure that the Academic Bill of Rights was a top priority in this bill. He succeeded.

Last week, Majority Leader Boehner wrote a must-read editorial on the importance of the Academic Bill of Rights which gives the history of the legislation and lays out a strong case for why we need it NOW.

Destructive and anti-intellectual forces that threaten free speech and independent thought have taken root across the country. College students are often harassed � and occasionally punished - for holding �unpopular� viewpoints, or those that don�t conform to the campus climate. These practices, and the individuals engaged in them, undermine the marketplace of ideas that American colleges have long fostered.

It�s easy to overlook this quiet assault on free speech and free expression that has plagued many higher education institutions in recent years. It is often couched in terms of �protecting� the feelings of one group from another, or prohibiting �hate speech� or �insensitive� speech. A popular method in the 1990s was the use of �speech codes� that would allow what was considered �acceptable� speech and prohibit that which was �unacceptable.� While that practice has subsided, others have taken its place.

One of education�s strongest allies has been Buck McKeon. Now as Chairman of the Education and the Workforce Committee, Buck and I continued our fight to pass the Academic Bill of Rights by sending a letter to our colleagues urging passage of the bill.

Passing this legislation does not mean the fight for academic freedom is over. A sense of Congress sends a clear message of Congressional intent, but it is not binding. Each college and university must step up to the plate and adopt its own Academic Bill of Rights.

As I�ve always said, Institutions of higher learning should be focused on education, not indoctrination.

Our students go to universities to learn math, science, philosophy, and other academics � not to be barraged with the personal political ideologies and views of their professor. Today�s passage of the Academic Bill of Rights will help ensure just that.


UPDATE: Pamela over at Atlas Shrugs has a good post on the Academic Bill of Rights.

House Republicans Get Blogging Lessons From The Pros

March 30th, 2006 by Press Staff

Today, Congressman Kingston, who has chaired the Republican Theme Team since 1997, welcomed three key conservative bloggers to his weekly breakfast including Hugh Hewitt, Tim Chapman over at’s Capitol Report, and a blogger.

Perhaps now more than ever, House Republicans are working hand-in-hand with the blogosphere to learn how Republicans can get beyond the beltway media and the MSM to develop and articulate our message.

The meeting was kicked off by our friends from and who discussed the logistics of how best to work with bloggers and shared their thoughts on how the Left uses blogs to vent anger and hatred while the Right has engaged blogs to help develop thoughts and ideas. This is a profound difference which should and will be noted.

Mr. Hewitt, an extremely popular conservative radio talk show host (syndicated nationally on about 80 stations), blogger, and author, is in Washington (from California) to help publicize his new book (which we have not read–YET!). Clearly Mr. Hewitt had an opinion on the State of the Republican Party which was refreshing and thoughtful perspective for the Theme Team Members. Mr. Hewitt posted an entry about his appearance which you can read here.

Mr. Hewitt and Congressman Kingston discussed at length the emerging importance of podcasting and discussed the trends and importance of the blogosphere.

Republicans Embrace New Media Strategies

Congressman Kingston shared a document with the Members and staff which you can download (The Next Great Communication Tool) which he developed for a Staff Blogging Workshop his office held on March 3.

I think everyone in the room agreed that today’s meeting was extremely helpful and Congressman Kingston continues to be grateful to his friends in the blogosphere who are helping him help the Republican Party.

There’s a Revolution happening on Capitol Hill and we’re glad to be a part of it.

Leave your comments on how you think House Republicans can reach out to the blogosphere better. We’d be happy to take your advice. You’re a part of this Revolution.

UPDATE: Tim shares his thoughts about this morning’s meeting on his blog. Hugh Hewitt is back blogging his thoughts on today.

NRO’s The Corner Mentions Jack’s Blog

March 29th, 2006 by Press Staff

It’s a pretty good day when our friends over at National Review Online’s The Corner give Jack’s Blog a shout-out.

Welcome to Congressman Kingston’s blog fellow Corner readers. Please grab a seat and stay a while. And remember, you’re always welcome back.

(Hat-tip K-Lo.)

The Democrat Insecurity Agenda

March 29th, 2006 by Jack

Subscribe to�The JackCast�to download the audio of this statement to your MP3 player. Visit this page to download the clip individually.

Today, some Democrats will gather in Washington to announce a plank in their agenda - we’ll call it their insecurity issue.

Nancy Pelosi and her angry mob of liberals should work to address their own credibility issue when it comes to keeping Americans safe.

The Democratic plan to keep America safe threatens the safety of Americans here at home and helps aid our enemies.

In fact, Democrats say they want to keep America safe, but they DON�T want our military overseas fighting and winning the War on Terrorism, they DON�T want law enforcement officials listening to phone calls between Al-Qaeda operatives, they DON�T want America to interrogate Al-Qaeda suspects when we capture them, they DON�T want CIA human intelligence operatives in the field, they DON�T want stronger border enforcement here at home, and they DON�T want to give law enforcement the tools they need to keep America safe.

One thing is clear: the Democrats have fiery rhetoric filled with anger and hate for the Republican Party and our commonsense principles and policies which keep America safe.


UPDATE (from staff): Check out Texas Sen. John Cornyn’s editorial at the National Review Online on this issue.

The Majority Leader’s blog has a great post summing up this sham

Democrats held a press conference today outlining what they call their national security strategy.� Only one thing was missing: their national security strategy.� Rather than offering an agenda of their own or acknowledging their past failures on national security, they talked a lot about Republican ideas that have already been acted upon.��

The Speaker of the House just released a statement on this topic with a great document which shows the TRUE record of the Democrats on National Security issues. See the document after the jump.

House Republicans will continue to do what is right to protect American families and prevent a tragedy like September 11th from occurring ever again.� On the other hand, Democratic Leadership has voted against the most important efforts to protect our homeland. They opposed the Border Security bill, the REAL ID Act, and the formation of the Department of Homeland Security. And as we all saw recently, they opposed the PATRIOT Act.� House Republicans have supported a strong national security agenda while Democrats have an agenda of insecurity.

America has a rich immigrant background. It is part of what makes our nation great, and a great nation protects its citizens. We must be constantly vigilant about strengthening our borders and fighting the War on Terror overseas so that an attack does not occur on American soil again.

Read the rest of this entry »

The Weekly Theme Teamer

March 28th, 2006 by Press Staff

As vice-chairman of the House Republican Conference, Rep. Kingston each week publishes The Weekly Theme Teamer.

You can download your copy at the link above or click on the pictures below.



Andy Card Resigns; Josh Bolten Named Next COS

March 28th, 2006 by Jack

Hey y’all, I heard this morning that White House chief of staff Andy Card resigned his post and that President Bush named Josh Bolten as his replacement.

Andy Card is a professional and should be credited with much of the accomplishments of this Administration. I’ve known Josh for years, and he’s a dedicated ideological conservative who will help infuse some new energy in the Administration.

A personnel move such as this will be good for the team, because it opens up some new thinking and opportunities.

I’m looking forward to this next chapter.


The Fight For Academic Freedom Continues

March 28th, 2006 by Press Staff


David Horowitz, the author of the Academic Bill of Rights and a close friend of Congressman Kingston’s, wrote a must-read editorial in today’s FrontPage Magazine.

Regarding the Academic Bill of Rights he writes:

It is an attempt to restore the educational mandate of a democratic education: Students should be taught how to think, not what to think. Teachers should teach, not preach.

Regarding news that the Academic Bill of Rights will be brought to the floor of the House this week:

That is why the news this week is so remarkable. Despite the witch-hunt conducted by the education establishment and the political left � which is funded by the massive treasuries of the teacher unions — legislation for an Academic Bill of Rights is now being brought to the floor of Congress itself. This is the work of three congressmen, whose political courage under ferocious political fire should not go unnoticed by the American public: Representative Jack Kingston of Georgia, Representative Howard �Buck� McKeon of California, and House Majority Leader John Boehner of Ohio.

This is a great push-back to critics of the legislation:
The Academic Bill of Rights is, in fact, impeccably liberal, in the principled sense. None of its leftwing opponents have been able to identify a single smoking gun to justify their hysteria. They have not been able to present a single clause as evidence that the bill would restrict free speech, or target leftwing professors as such. The bill (in all its variations) is strictly viewpoint neutral. Strictly. But it is also a bill that would encourage �intellectual diversity� � and this strikes at the heart of all agendas to use educational classrooms for political indoctrination. In attacking the bill so savagely, the leftwing professoriate and their teacher union backers, are in effect conceding that this is exactly their intention. But they�re confident � over confident � because they can count on a complicit media, that is ready to cover for them and defame anyone who has the effrontery to stand in their way.

The entire article is a must-read for anyone concerned about this issue. You may find the reflections by David Horowitz on his meeting with Majority Leader John Boehner (R-OH) particularly interesting.

UPDATE: Majority Leader Boehner (R-Ohio) is blogging about this issue.

Reaching Out To A Younger Audience

March 27th, 2006 by Press Staff
Jack Kingston

Two great stories in today’s Los Angeles Times and Boston Globe which highlight Comedy Central’s The Colbert Report and Congressman Kingston using new media strategies to reach out to a younger audience.From the Los Angeles Times:

With an average of 1.1 million viewers a night, the program gets solid if not spectacular ratings for a late-night cable show. But 40% of its audience is in the coveted 18- to 34-year-old age group, which means that “The Colbert Report” � like its lead-in, “The Daily Show With Jon Stewart,” from which it was spun off � offers media figures and politicians valuable airtime in front of young viewers, even if they risk looking silly in the process.

So why is this show so popular with Our generation? The Colbert Report is news, the way we want it: With a spoonful of comedy with a dash of satire and witty writing. 60 Minutes is great and all but…

Georgia Rep. Jack Kingston got such a great response to his appearance on the program � in which the host engaged the white Republican, who lived in Ethiopia for a few years as a child, in a discussion about his “African American experience” � that he’s urged his GOP colleagues to let Colbert interview them as well.

Kingston showed a clip of his appearance at a retreat of House Republicans, and his press secretary, David All, sent an e-mail to other GOP aides urging them to get their bosses on the program and “show ‘em that Republicans have a sense of humor too.”

“He can do Fox News or CNN live 20 weeks in a row, but it’s so repetitive,” All said. “We’ve gotten more mileage out of doing this � not only in the district, but nationally.”

Read the rest of this entry »

The Organic Growth Of Jack’s Blog

March 25th, 2006 by Press Staff

Visit depth this year

And we’re just getting started…

From Bill Maher To Fort Stewart In 24 Hours

March 25th, 2006 by Press Staff

As you know, Congressman Kingston was on HBO’s Real Time With Bill Maher last night. After the show he jumped on the red-eye back to Fort Stewart and Hunter Army Airfield located in Georgia’s First Congressional District for a Welcome Home Celebration for about 14,000 expected soldiers and families.

At the celebration, Maj. Gen. William Webster told his soldiers and their families:

“You were always with us in spirit and prayer and we appreciate you coming together today for the official Welcome Home Ceremony for the 3rd Infantry Division,” he said. “My special thanks to the awesome families of the 3rd Infantry Division and the retirees and civilians who work on post and those who support us downtown for being here today and their continued support to allow us to honor these Soldiers on the field and the rest of the Soldiers who could not be here today.”

Regarding his appearance on Real Time Congressman Kingston told Savannah’s own WTOC:

“You know from the beginning, [Real Time is] not a bastion of Republican friendliness. Conservatives have to get the message out, and sometimes, we yield the field to people like Bill Maher and some of his guests they have,” the congressman said.

Guests like comedian Richard Belzer. His comments on last week’s show about asking soldiers their opinions on the war in Iraq fired Kingston up. “They don’t read 20 newspapers a day,” Belzer said on the show. “They are on the foot of deaths’ door stop. They are not the best people to ask about the war.”

“He lives in an ivory tower surrounded by all his Hollywood actor friends who agree with him,” said Kingston. “He’s never been to Benning or Stewart or sat in a class with these soldiers.”

Kingston knows he’ll have to fight to get a word in. “It’s hard, cause these shows, 3/4 of them are are diehard anti-conservative liberals. They yell and scream and so forth.

“If I can defend a few points on the war, I’ll say mission accomplished,” Kingston added.

We checked out Real Time’s online billboard to see some of the comments on the show. Here is one comment that we found particularly interesting which shows how Republicans can help speak to a larger audience:

I TiVo Real Time every week, and although I consider myself a progressive, it is often difficult to watch the show when the guests totally go after each other, especially when they don’t let anyone finish a sentence. I just wanted to add that I thought that tonight’s episode with Jason Alexander, Jack Kingston, and Reza Aslan was the best I’ve seen. Although they did not completely agree, they spoke to each other with respect, and it was a very enjoyable show. I was amazed at how much I agreed with most of what Alexander said, and I found Aslan very interesting. Kingston was kind of a Republican dork, but you can’t have it all. He was actually on point, and seemed to care about what he was speaking about. The whole thing was very entertaining. Thanks!

Well, we may not agree with EVERYTHING in your comment Shortcakemel, but all around a positive response. Thanks for weighing in.

So what did you think of the Congressman’s appearance. Now’s your chance to weigh in with a comment.

UPDATED//BUMPED: Kingston Tells GOP: Don’t Fear Blogs

March 24th, 2006 by Press Staff

The Atlanta Journal Constitution has an article today Thursday on Congressman Kingston, refering to him as the “king of niche media” and highlighting his efforts to encourage colleagues to take routes around mainstream media by blogging, podcasting and appearing on shows such as “The Colbert Report.” These venues allow Congressman Kingston and others to reach a whole new audience.

You can read the whole artcle HERE.

UPDATE: Georgia’s own PeachPundit weighs in. The Club For Growth chimes in. So did The Blogging Journalist. So did Atlanta-based Grayson over at the Spacey Gracey Review. Along with the Virginia Virtucon (Virtual Conservative). Mary Katharine at HughHewitt did too. So did Georgia’s Political Disability Blog which covers the legislative side of disability issues for individuals, families and concerned citizens across Georgia.
Thanks y’all.