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Flag Requests



Our office is honored to provide our constituents the opportunity to obtain an American flag which has been flown over the U.S. Capitol and a certificate of authenticity. Requests cannot be processed more than one month prior of the date the flag would need to be flown. When ordering, please allow for 5-6 weeks from the date the flag is flown over the Capitol to the date of receipt. Be advised that the flag office is not taking rush orders at this time. Also please be aware that flags are flown on an as-needed basis, and cannot be flown for dates that have already passed. Please fill out the flag request form below, print it, and mail it with your check. 

Please mail checks to:
Congressman Doug Lamborn
Attn: Flag Request
437 Cannon HOB
Washington, D.C. 20515
Make checks payable to:
"Office Supply Account #CO0510”