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Missile Defense

Developing the United States’ missile defense system is one of my highest priorities. While mutually assured destruction kept tensions between the U.S. and the Soviet Union relatively quiet during the Cold War, the international dynamic has changed. Key players from rogue nations, such as Kim Jong Il and Ahmadinejad, are dangerously less predictable and more vocal about their military intents.


While some in Congress are trying to cut funding for missile defense projects, I will continue to support the funding of current missile defense programs and the development of new technology and development. As co-founder of the Missile Defense Caucus, I recognize the importance of a strong missile defense system.  Right now, our military has only a limited defense capability in the event of a threat. Self-declared enemies of America already have some missile capability and our eastern seaboard is largely unguarded from ship-launched missiles.


111th information coming soon!


Legislation from the 110th Congress

Sponsored Resolution


H.Res. 1057- Commemorating the 25th Anniversary of President Ronald Reagan’s Strategic Defense Initiative Speech-  Recognizes President Ronald Reagan's vision and efforts to promote peace and security and commemorates the 25th anniversary of his Strategic Defense Initiative speech


Major Cosponsored Legislation and Resolutions


H.CON.RES.362- Expressing the sense of Congress regarding the threat posed to international peace, stability in the Middle East, and the vital national security interests of the United States by Iran's pursuit of nuclear weapons and regional hegemony, and for other purposes


H.R.1400- Iran Counter-Proliferation Act of 2007

This bill expresses the sense of Congress that the US should use diplomatic and economic strategies to resolve the Iranian nuclear problem, continue to support the IAEA and UN Security Council’s efforts, urge the adoption of additional measures to prohibit investments in Iran’s energy sector, and amends previous legislation. 


H.R.1441- Stop Arming Iran Act

This legislation prohibits the Department of Defense (DOD) from selling any parts for a F-14 fighter aircraft, except in respect to a U.S. museum or for similar historical purposes.


H.R. 2332- Syria Accountability and Liberation Act

This legislation states that U.S. sanctions, controls, and regulations relating to Syria shall remain in effect until the President certifies that Syria has ceased support for terrorism, has dismantled biological, chemical, or nuclear weapons programs and has committed to combat their proliferation, respects the boundaries and sovereignty of all neighboring countries, and upholds human rights and civil liberties. Additionally, this bill sets forth diplomatic measures intended to isolate the government of Syria and directs the President to provide assistance to support a democratic transition in Syria.


H.R.3650- North Korean Counterterrorism and Nonproliferation Act

This Act provides for the continuation of restrictions against the government of North Korea unless the President certifies to Congress that North Korea has met certain benchmarks respecting: missile or nuclear technology transfers; support of terrorist groups and terrorist activities, counterfeiting of U.S. currency, release of South Korean POWs, Japanese journalists, and Kim Donk-Shik; and Bureau 39's closure.