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Sovereignty Caucus

The Congressional Sovereignty Caucus was established to protect and defend the rights of American citizens and the interests of American institutions from the increasing influence of international organizations and multilateral agreements. It will promote policies and practices that protect U.S. self-determination, national security, and constitutional principles and defend American values from encroachment by transnational actors.



  • To form a working group/caucus for the purpose of promoting self-government and preserving American values and national interests while blocking attempts by “transnationalists” to subvert our democratic process

  • To provide a voice of opposition to transnational doctrine, lest our silence be taken as consent
  • To provide continued outside support and serve as a “one-stop shop” for members on all matters relating to American sovereignty



Recent News Articles:

May 9, 2009 House 'Sovereignty Caucus' Aimed at Koh by John Gizzi of Human Events


May 21, 2009 Obama Appointee Could Place International Law Over Constitution by Ken Timmerman of NEWSMAX


July 1, 2009 GOP ‘Sovereignty Caucus’ Battles Obama on Treaties by David Weigel of the Washington Independent

More Links and Information to come!