FTC Competition Enforcement Database

This resource catalogs the Commission's competition enforcement actions by the type of violation (merger or nonmerger), action (consent order, injunction, or administrative complaint), industry, sector, and date.

Use the navigation categories at the left to access individual reports containing short descriptions of each action, with click-through access to related documents, such as press releases and case filings.

Bookmark this page and visit again soon — we will post additional materials as they are available.

Scope of the data

  • Currently, the information contained in this resource covers the period from fiscal year 1996 to June 30, 2009.
  • U.S. antitrust laws are enforced by both the FTC's Bureau of Competition and the Antitrust Division of the Department of Justice, but the Information in this resource pertains to the FTC's enforcement actions only.

Last Modified: Tuesday, 28-Jul-2009 11:18:00 EDT