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Foreign Affairs

“As the representative of one of the most diverse Congressional districts in the United States, I take pride in being an active internationalist.  We are living in an interconnected world, and I believe the strength of the United States of America lies in our diverse population.  Queens and the Bronx are a great representation of the cultures from all around the globe.  By having a greater understanding of the world around us, we can work to bring peace, prosperity, and stability to all nations.”

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As the world’s second largest and second most populous continent, Africa continues to be an important actor in global security. It is vital that we continue to contribute to Africa’s development in an environment of stability and security. I will continue my work to ensure that development assistance supports the overall goal of transformational diplomacy – to help build sustained and well-governed states that respond to the needs of their people, reduce widespread poverty, and conduct themselves responsibly in the global community. read more


Asia has reached a new position in global policy with two giants, China and India, emerging on the world stage. During my time in Congress, I have taken an activist approach when reaching out to our friends in Asia to fully integrate them into the global system. My in-depth knowledge of the region and my relationships with these countries have been greatly enhanced through contact with my constituents of Asian descent. read more


It is critical to our national security and America’s reputation in the global community that we strengthen the Transatlantic alliance, build security and economic ties with the European Union (EU) and the nations of Europe, and help guide the economic and political development of the former Soviet states. We must continue to promote and strengthen our cooperation in order to address the variety of global policy challenges that we face in the 21st Century. read more

Middle East

The United States must act multilaterally to bring peace and prosperity to the people of the Middle East so they can raise their children in a safe and secure environment. We must create a framework of both benefits and punishment to ensure that bad actors in the Middle East do not threaten their neighbors or acquire nuclear weapons that will threaten the world’s security. read more

South America

South America has been ignored as a partner for far too long. We share central values with most of the actors in the region – democracy, open markets, and free speech. We must enhance our relationship with our neighbors, and continue to work towards ending the illicit drug trade, eliminating human rights violations, and promoting increased cooperation in the region. read more