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Principles of Drug Addiction Treatment: A Research Based Guide


General Inquiries

Inquiries about NIDA's behavioral treatment research activities should be directed to the Division of Clinical Neuroscience and Behavioral Research at 301-443- 0107. For questions regarding NIDA's medications development program, please contact the Division of Pharmacotherapies and Medical Consequences of Drug Abuse at 301-443-6173. For questions regarding treatment organization, management, financing, effectiveness, and cost-effectiveness research, please contact the Division of Epidemiology, Services and Prevention Research at 301-443-4060; for questions regarding NIDA-supported clinical trials, please call the National Drug Abuse Treatment Clinical Trials Network at 301-443-6697; and for questions regarding NIDA's HIV/AIDS research, please contact the AIDS Research Program at 301- 443-1470. Additional general information is available at www.drugabuse.gov or by calling 301-443-1124.

National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)

NIAAA provides leadership in the national effort to reduce alcohol-related problems by conducting and supporting research in a wide range of scientific areas, including genetics, neuroscience, epidemiology, health risks and benefits of alcohol consumption, prevention, and treatment; coordinating and collaborating with other research institutes and Federal programs on alcohol-related issues; collaborating with international, national, State, and local institutions, organizations, agencies, and programs engaged in alcohol-related work; and translating and disseminating research findings to health care providers, researchers, policymakers, and the public. Additional information is available at www.niaaa.nih.gov or by calling 301-443-3860.

National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)

The mission of NIMH is to transform the understanding and treatment of mental illnesses through basic and clinical research, paving the way for prevention, recovery, and cure. In support of this mission, NIMH generates research and promotes research training to fulfill the following four objectives: promote discovery in the brain and behavioral sciences to fuel research on the causes of mental disorders; chart mental illness trajectories to determine when, where, and how to intervene; develop new and better interventions that incorporate the diverse needs and circumstances of people with mental illnesses; and strengthen the public health impact of NIMHsupported research. Additional information is available at www.nimh.nih.gov or by calling 301-443-4513.

Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT)

CSAT, a part of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), is responsible for supporting treatment services through a block grant program, as well as disseminating findings to the field and promoting their adoption. CSAT also operates the 24-hour National Treatment Referral Hotline (1-800-662- HELP), which offers information and referral services to people seeking treatment programs and other assistance. CSAT publications are available through the National Clearinghouse on Alcohol and Drug Information (1-800- 729-6686). Additional information about CSAT can be found on SAMHSA's Web site at www.csat.samhsa.gov.

Selected NIDA Educational Resources on Drug Addiction Treatment

The following are available from the NIDA DrugPubs Research Dissemination Center, the National Technical Information Service (NTIS), or the Government Printing Office (GPO). To order, refer to the DrugPubs (877-NIDANIH [643-2644]), NTIS (1-800-553-6847), or GPO (202- 512-1800) number provided with the resource description.

Manuals and Clinical Reports

Principles of Drug Abuse Treatment for Criminal Justice Populations: A Research-Based Guide (Revised 2007). Provides 13 essential treatment principles and includes resource information and answers to frequently asked questions. Publication #NIH 07-5316. Available online at www.nida.nih.gov/PODAT_CJ.

Measuring and Improving Cost, Cost-Effectiveness, and Cost-Benefit for Substance Abuse Treatment Programs (1999). Offers tools for substance abuse treatment program managers to calculate the costs of their programs and investigate the relationship between those costs and treatment outcomes. Available online at www.nida.nih.gov/IMPCOST/IMPCOSTIndex.html.

A Cognitive-Behavioral Approach: Treating Cocaine Addiction (1998). This is the first in NIDA's "Therapy Manuals for Drug Addiction" series. Describes cognitive-behavioral therapy, a short-term, focused approach to helping cocaine-addicted individuals become abstinent from cocaine and other drugs. Available online at www.nida.nih.gov/TXManuals/CBT/CBT1.html.

A Community Reinforcement Plus Vouchers Approach: Treating Cocaine Addiction (1998). This is the second in NIDA's "Therapy Manuals for Drug Addiction" series. This treatment integrates a community reinforcement approach with an incentive program that uses vouchers. Available online at www.nida.nih.gov/TXManuals/CRA/CRA1.html.

An Individual Drug Counseling Approach to Treat Cocaine Addiction: The Collaborative Cocaine Treatment Study Model (1999). This is the third in NIDA's "Therapy Manuals for Drug Addiction" series. Describes specific behavioral/cognitive models that can be implemented in a wide range of drug abuse treatment settings. Available online at www.nida.nih.gov/TXManuals/IDCA/IDCA1.html.

Addiction Severity Index (ASI). Provides a structured clinical interview designed to collect information about substance use and functioning in life areas from adult clients seeking drug abuse treatment. For more information on using the ASI and to obtain copies of the most recent edition, please visit www.tresearch.org/resources/instruments.htm#top.

Other Useful Publications

Drugs, Brains, and Behavior: The Science of Addiction (Reprinted 2008). This publication provides an overview of the science behind the disease of addiction. Publication #NIH 08-5605. Available online at www.nida.nih.gov/scienceofaddiction.

A Collection of NIDA Notes Articles That Address Drug Abuse Treatment (Reprinted 2008). This collection of NIDA Notes articles showcases NIDA treatment-related research. Publication #NN0026. Available online at www.nida.nih.gov/NIDA_Notes/NN0026.html.

NIDA InfoFacts: Treatment Approaches for Drug Addiction (Revised 2008). This is a fact sheet covering research findings on effective treatment approaches for drug abuse and addiction. Available online at www.nida.nih.gov/infofacts/treatmeth.html.

Alcohol Alert (published by NIAAA). This is a quarterly bulletin that disseminates important research findings on alcohol abuse and alcoholism. Available online at www.niaaa.nih.gov/Publications/AlcoholAlerts.

NIAAA Clinical Guidelines/Related Resources. This Web site has information to help clinicians in the screening, diagnosis, and treatment of patients who drink too much. Available online at www.niaaa.nih.gov/Publications/EducationTrainingMaterials/guide.htm.

Research Report Series: Therapeutic Community (2002). This report provides information on the role of residential drug-free settings and their role in the treatment process. Publication #PHD947. Available online at www.nida.nih.gov/ResearchReports/Therapeutic/default.html.

The NIDA Clinical Toolbox: Science-Based Materials for Drug Abuse Treatment Providers (2000). This Web site contains science-based materials for drug abuse treatment providers. Links are provided to treatment manuals, Research Reports, and more. Available online at www.nida.nih.gov/TB/Clinical/ClinicalToolbox.html.

Initiatives Designed to Move Treatment Research into Practice

Clinical Trials Network

Assessing the real-world effectiveness of evidence-based treatments is a crucial step in bringing research to practice. Established in 1999, NIDA's National Drug Abuse Treatment Clinical Trials Network (CTN) uses community settings with diverse patient populations and conditions to adjust and test protocols to meet the practical needs of addiction treatment. Since its inception, the CTN has tested pharmacological and behavioral interventions for drug abuse and addiction, along with common co-occurring conditions (e.g. HIV and PTSD) among various target populations, including adolescent drug abusers, pregnant drug-abusing women, and Spanishspeaking patients. The CTN has also tested prevention strategies in drug-abusing groups at high risk for hepatitis C (HCV) and HIV and has become a key element of NIDA's multipronged approach to move promising science-based drug addiction treatments rapidly into community settings. For more information on the CTN, please visit www.drugabuse.gov/CTN/Index.htm.

Criminal Justice-Drug Abuse Treatment Studies

NIDA is taking an approach similar to the CTN to enhance treatment for drug-addicted individuals involved with the criminal justice system through the CJ-DATS (Criminal Justice-Drug Abuse Treatment Studies). Whereas NIDA's CTN has as its overriding mission the improvement of the quality of drug abuse treatment by moving innovative approaches into the larger community, research supported through CJ-DATS is designed to effect change by bringing new treatment models into the criminal justice system and thereby improve outcomes for offenders with substance use disorders. It seeks to achieve better integration of drug abuse treatment with other public health and public safety forums and represents a collaboration among NIDA; the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA); the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC); Department of Justice agencies; and a host of drug treatment, criminal justice, and health and social service professionals.

Blending Teams

Another way in which NIDA is seeking to actively move science into practice is through a joint venture with SAMHSA and its nationwide network of Addiction Technology Transfer Centers (ATTCs). This process involves the collaborative efforts of community treatment practitioners, SAMHSA trainers, and NIDA researchers, some of whom form "Blending Teams" to create products and devise strategic dissemination plans for them. Through the creation of products designed to foster adoption of new treatment strategies, Blending Teams are instrumental in getting the latest evidence-based tools and practices into the hands of treatment professionals. To date, a number of products have been completed. Topics have included increasing awareness of the value of buprenorphine therapy and enhancing healthcare workers' proficiency in using tools such as the Addiction Severity Index (ASI), motivational interviewing, and motivational incentives. For more information on Blending products, please visit NIDA's Web site at www.nida.nih.gov/blending.

Other Federal Resources

NIDA DrugPubs Research Dissemination Center. NIDA publications and treatment materials are available from this information source. Staff provide assistance in English and Spanish, and have TDD capability. Phone: 877-NIDA-NIH (877-643-2644); TTY/TDD: 240-645-0228; fax: 240-645-0227; e-mail: drugpubs@nida.nih.gov; Web site: www.drugabuse.gov.

The National Registry of Evidence-Based Programs and Practices. This database of interventions for the prevention and treatment of mental and substance use disorders is maintained by SAMHSA and can be accessed at www.nrepp.samhsa.gov.

The National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information (NCADI). Publications from other Federal agencies are available from this information source. Staff provide assistance in English and Spanish, and have TDD capability. Phone: 800-729-6686; Web site: www.ncadi.samhsa.gov.

The National Institute of Justice (NIJ). As the research agency of the Department of Justice, NIJ supports research, evaluation, and demonstration programs relating to drug abuse in the context of crime and the criminal justice system. For information, including a wealth of publications, contact the National Criminal Justice Reference Service at 800-851-3420 or 301-519-5500; or visit www.ojp.usdoj.gov/nij.

Clinical Trials. For more information on federally and privately supported clinical trials please visit www.clinicaltrials.gov.

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